Thursday, October 27, 2011

Follow Friday (50) Blog Hop (49)

FOLLOW FRIDAY hosted by Parajunkee N Alison
Q:  If you could have dinner with your favorite book character, who would you eat with and what would you serve?
Let's try a different answer tonight, and go with the Dauntless group from Divergent. I would say mainly Tris and Four, but sitting with their friends wouldn't be bad either. As for what I would serve how about nachos. I'm a simple kinda girl. :)


  1. hey i'm a new follower hoppin through from feature & follow. have a great week!!

  2. I haven't read Divergent...I need to. I'm a new follower. =)

  3. Great answer. Who wouldn't like to be with that group as they are a fun bunch of people. Old follower. Come see my answer over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog.

  4. Love nachos, and Divergent is still on my wish list! Happy #FF :)

    MaryAnn@ Chapter by Chapter

  5. Good answer! Nachos would be perfect too. ;) Nice and easy.

  6. I love Nachos! Must read Divergent!!!
    Thought I was an old follower but the system says I'm new. **shrugs shoulders**
    Thanks <3,

  7. I have to get around to reading Divergent, old follower, here's mine

  8. Hopping through. I keep meaning to read Divergent. I have it but haven't read it yet.
    My Hop

  9. OMG! I would love to eat with Dauntless! ALL OF THEM!!! GReat pick!!

    old follower

    My FF

  10. Tris and Four would be awesome, the rest of the rowdy crowd I'm not so sure.

    Rie @ Mission to Read

  11. Good answer! Having dinner with them would be interesting. I prolly wouldn't be able to concentrate on my nachos if I were seated beside Four though. LOL :D

    Have a great weekend! I'm a new follower. :)

    Pam @ jellylovesbooks

  12. Oh No!!! You have to serve something dangerous!!! No Idea what that would be....Then again, maybe nacho's are dangerous. If you get the pointy kind, not the scoops. Oh and if you fling them at people juuussst right....

    You can find MY FF Here

    While you're there, why dont you check out My Giveaway as well.

  13. Nachos sound so good! I haven't read Divergent, but I promise I am going to get to it.

    New Follower

    My Follow Friday

  14. Ah, you're better than me... Lol. I just picked Four and I wasn't going to worry with that wholde dinner thing. It would be fun (and possibly frightening) to spend an evening with the Dauntless crew!

  15. Hello I am a new follower and I wanted to say my name is Angela and I am a bookaholic.

    I hope you stop by and visit my blog -

  16. Thanks everyone whos replied. I'm trying to go to y'alls sites. :) Thanks for following as well you guys are awesome!

  17. Mmmm, nachos! I have Divergent sitting on my bookshelf waiting for me to read it. :)

    My FF

    P.S. I'm hosting a giveway of The Near Witch (as well as an interview with the author) at my blog if you'd like to stop by and enter, and possibly spread the word. If I reach 300 followers before the giveway ends, I'll add a second winner!

  18. I LOVE Divergent, their group is an awesome pick!


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

I Had to turn on word verification. Sorry! I'm tired of getting spam.

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