Thursday, October 13, 2011

Follow Friday (48) Blog Hop (47)

BLOG HOP Hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books
FOLLOW FRIDAY hosted by Alison and Parajunkee

If you could have characters from a particular book meet and form an epic storyline with characters from a particular TV series, which would you choose and why?
This is actually a hard question for me because I can't use my usual answer. I mean I guess I could, but I wouldn't want to pair Rose up with anyone. So I would say The Gallagher Girls and maybe one of the CSI shows or Without a Trace (even though I think that show has been canceled). That would be interesting to see teen spies work with the crime labs. I mean could you see Hortaio (I think that how you spell his name) trying to work with teen girls, or even the NCSI crew.

What's been going on here:
Finished- Divergent by Veronica Roth (awesome)
Reading- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, Identical by Ellen Hopkins, Elemental Reality

Waiting on Wed: Insurgent
What books? (A giveaway when I get to 500)
In my mailbox (40)


  1. Hi & Happy Friday!

    A great answer :)

    My FF -

  2. LOL, now that could definitely be interesting! I'd definitely like to see that, haha. Great choice!

    Have a wonderful weekend. :) Thanks for stopping by Kindle Fever!

  3. This was a really tough question. Great answer though. Horatio would be too funny with a bunch of teenage girls.

    My Follow Friday!


  4. I would totally watch a show where teen girls (like the ones from the Gallagher series) solved crimes! I think thats a really good idea for a new show. Throw in a little of that romance and it'd be a hit!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
    My Follow Friday
    P.S. come and check out my first giveaway here

  5. LOL. Can't believe you didn't go with the usual this time! Somehow, I think you'll like my answer. Have a great weekend Ash.

  6. I haven't heard of the Gallaghers but I love CSI and Without a Trace (you're right, it has been cancelled).

    Here's my Friday Hop

  7. Hi New follower:D

    I'm not sure of The Gallaghers but yes I know CSI and Without A Trace ( couple aussie actors) so it must make for a good meet:D


  8. That would be soooo fun!

    Thanks for stopping by mine. :)

  9. Hopping through. Gallagher Girls would go great with CSI or Without a Trace. Cool idea.
    My Hop

  10. Ahaha good answer. I haven't read The Gallagher Girls series though. But pairing something with CSI would be great!

    My Follow Friday

  11. Both of the TV shows you picked would be interesting with The Gallagher Girls. I love CSI and Without a Trace.Awesome pick!

  12. Great choices, hopping through.
    Not so new follower.

  13. Great choices.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    New follower
    Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick

  14. gotta love the CSI shows, great thoughts there. Thanks for stopping by my FF post today! Book Savvy Babe

  15. I totally heart CSI! good choice
    MaryAnn @ Chapter by Chapter

  16. It really would be awesome to see the Gallagher Girls come to life! :) Have a great weekend!

  17. Great pick. I think anything with CSI would be good and would make it interesting.

    Thanks for stoping by. New follower.

    JJ iReads
    My TGIF

  18. Hello!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    You have a great answer! Sure it would be very interesting!

    Happy Blog Hop!

    Lisa Jo @ Once Upon A Chapter


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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