Sunday, October 30, 2011

In my mailbox (42)

This is another addition of In my mailbox hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren

Yes, that's Radar, the dachshund

Lark by Tracey Porter | Amazon(Thanks J.P from YA Urban)
Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar (THANKS Lan from Write Obsession You are freaking awesome. Just saying!)(Oh, and it's awesome.)
 My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody | Amazon (Thanks Macmillian Childrens and Tara)
Legend by Marie Lu | Amazon
Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey | Amazon
(I nearly peed myself, okay not really but I was really excited)

The Reckoning by Lili St.Crow | Amazon
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins | Amazon(I also won this, and should be getting it sometime)
Sweetly by Jackson Pearce | Amazon
Shut out by Kody Keplinger | Amazon
Unforsaken by Sophie Littlefield |Amazon
The Line by Teri Hall | Amazon

Books Mentioned:
The Duff
Lola and The boy next Door


  1. So many books that I want to read!! Anna and the French Kiss and Shut Out especially! Enjoy :)

  2. No fair, you got the Reckoning early, I wanna read it so bad!!! So jealous, I can't wait for my copy to arrive. Shattered Souls looks pretty good too! Awesome books, hope you enjoy every one of them, especially the Reckoning! :)

  3. That one I found at a used bookstore. I actually didn't realize it wasn't suppose to be out til what November 1st. Heck, I didn't even know there was a final book coming out so soon. I need to get reading those I read the first and that's it.

  4. I'm curious to give Legend a read but don't know if I have room for any more books. Especially with NaNo happening. Can't believe how quickly you read Raw Blue!

  5. Yeah, I'm on my d-kick so that and AtU will probably be next after Matched. Plus, those two can be used for my 2011 author debut challenge. Yea! I'm so stressing over Nano. I told you I have been waiting to read Raw Blue since last year.

  6. Let me know what you think of Matched. I'm curious because of the cover and some other reviews I've read. I'm stressing over NaNo as well. Have gotten almost no planning done. I better go and do some now.

  7. I really do. You know me I'm a total procrastinator so I haven't either. I need to try and get to bed it's almost 6am. Holy crap.

  8. OOOH The first finished copies of Shattered Souls and Legend I’ve seen. Absolutely LOVED Legend so can’t wait to add that finished precious onto my shelves.

    Happy reading! Check out what I got out here:

  9. OoOoh excellent haul! Both Anna and Legend are fantastic. I really want to read Shattered Souls it sounds so good. Shut Out has also been getting great reviews from my friends.

    Xpresso Reads

  10. Great books! I picked up Sweetly on release week at the release party, but have yet to read it. I love Jackson Pearce. Enjoy your books.
    In My Mailbox at FABR

  11. Oooh I can't wait for my copies of Legend and Shattered Souls to arrive!

  12. Squee! I LOOOOVE Anna and the French Kiss!! <3 And Legend is amazing. Whoa, that will translate so well to screen.

    Oh man, so jealous you got Shattered SOuls! The cover is so gorgeous and it sounds fantastic. Awesome book week, hope you enjoy! :)

  13. I want to read THE LINE too :) I hope it is as great as I have heard :)

    In my Mailbox

  14. Legend is GREAT! ! Nice mailbox.

  15. First off.. LOVE your blog header!!! SO CUTE!!! :)

    I've been meaning to read Legend! Enjoy Anna and the French Kiss ;)

    Michele | My IMM

  16. Oh my... Legend and Shattered Souls! <3 Both books sound amazing. Hope you enjoy your books!

    Pam @ jellylovesbooks

  17. Wow, wow, wow! You have a hardcopy of my book, Shattered Souls. I haven't even seen it yet, so YAY!

  18. What an awesome mailbox! I'm looking forward to reading Legend and Shattered Souls. Happy reading! :)

  19. Awesome IMM! You are going to love to Anna and the French Kiss!
    ♥ Roxy @ Keeping Up With Roxy's Books

  20. Thanks for the comments everyone.

    OMG! I think I just had a heart attack, or a total fangirl moment. Author of SS on my site. I'm back now. I absolutely love the cover. I wanna hang it on my wall.

  21. Shattered Souls! looks so good*would have prolly peeded myself to if i got all those books lol*

    happy reading!

  22. Sweet mailbox! I want Raw Blue! Anna and the French Kiss is awesome and I hope you love it! Here's what I got this week. Happy reading!

  23. Awesome IMM! Shut Out was really good. I still need to read The DUFF though. Heard it's awesome too. Shatter Souls sounds so good. Maybe I'll hook myself up with a copy. Enjoy all of your awesome reads. :)

  24. wow!! so many awesome books. i really wanna read legend.

    thanks for stopping by our IMM. :)


  25. So jealous of Raw Blue, Shattered Souls and Legend! AWESOME bunch of books!

  26. You got lot's of awesome books. I hope you enjoy Anna and the French Kiss i can't wait to get get that. Come check out my IMM!

  27. Nice mailbox! I've had The Line on my wishlist and really need to pick up a copy. Enjoy all your new books!


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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