Saturday, October 8, 2011

In My Mailbox (40)

In my mailbox is hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren

This is actually a few weeks worth of stuff so here we go. :)

Hades by Alexandra Adornetto (Thanks Macmillian)
All these things I've done (Thanks Macmillian) (I actually have two copies now so I'll be using this in a giveaway)
Dreamland (book 3 in the riley bloom series) by Alyson Noel (Thanks again Macmillian)

Born at Midnight by CC Hunter
Unwind by Neal Schusterman
Original Sin by Lisa Desrochers
The Sorcerer King (Book 3 in the faerie path series) by Frewin Jones
The water Wars by Cameron Stracher
Cracked up to be by Courtney Summers
Bitter end by Jennifer Brown

Mom bought for me but I picked them out.
Cryptic Cravings by Ellen Schreiber
Love bites by Ellen Schreiber
True Blood Season 3 ( i still haven't watched season 2 which I have)


  1. I really, really need to grab a copy of All These Things I've Done - it looks fantastic! Also, I have the first two books in the Faerie Path series - I really should read them! Hope you enjoy them all :)

    Here's what I received in my mailbox this week :)

  2. I had an ARC, but gave it to a friend instead. Really like all the books you got in your mailbox this week. Come check out my mailbox this week.

  3. amazing mailbox this week! i need to get All These Things I've Done. love the cover and premise for it!

    happy reading!

    My In My Mailbox.

  4. High five for Shusterman's Unwind. That book still haunts me. I hope you enjoy it and all your other fabulous books as well!

  5. Great haul! I love True Blood as well. I find the books are much better but I still enjoy the series. Great haul!

    Xpresso Reads

  6. I loved All These Things I've Done. Great books, I need to read Born At Midnight sometime. Thanks for stopping over :)

  7. Oh, I love The Faerie Path books. I never see anyone mention them. Yay!

  8. I loved Unwind by Neal Schusterman. I normally read YA books with a female protaganist, so its really refreshing to find a good YA book centered around a guy. The story itself is really good too! Hope you enjoy!
    My IMM

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  9. So many books! I'm curious about The Water Wars.

  10. That's an awesome pile of books. Hades looks amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

  11. Your bought list is still so much bigger than the other lists Ashley (notice the use of the full name because you're in trouble). Hope you enjoy reading them all though. Ah books. The best addiction to have.

    I'm having a giveaway of the book Telesa by Lani Wendt Young on my blog. Check it out at The Write Obsession

  12. Great bunch of books you got there! look forward to seeing what you think!

  13. Hey Ash!

    Great stack of books this week!

    I liked All These Things. Huzzah for Shusterman! I adore him. Unwind was fabulous. I feel the same about True Blood.. although I really like the books better if we're talking about the original story.

    I still need to pick up Original Sin and Bitter End.

    Hope you adore all of your goodies and have a super great week!

    <3 Amy


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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