Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wonderfully Wicked Read-a-thon Update

So I've totally sucked at this whole read-a-thon thing because I've read 1 book so far, and it was small.-hangs head in shame- I'm very easily distracted by things namely the computer and twitter. Then I get into watching movies, and listening to the ranger game. It also doesn't help when you sleep almost the whole day well until 3pm. Then by that time my brother wanted me to go with him and his kids to a school festival thing, which we walked to because it was a few blocks down. So I tried to read my book walking there, and while I walked around. That didn't work out so well to much noise and movement. By then I was like hell. Now it's 12am and I have one book to show for reading (Dry Souls Review) I started Lark by Tracey Porter and it's somewhat tiny so maybe, I can finish it. Then I have like a hundred and something pages left of another book I've been reading, and then I have like 50% of one done on my computer. Major fail!

I still have Sunday(today) to try and make it work, but apparently my family either is going to the Dallas aquarium or a Dallas Cowboy game. So I'll see maybe, I can get some reading in between there.

I hope everyone who is doing it has had better luck then I. :)


  1. THREE books is good progress for a 3 day event in my opinion! I didn't even finish one book haha! SO kudo! So glad you joined us and we hope you join us when we host our next one (to be decided, we'll get the word out when we do though for sure!) We had a blast getting to know everyone and having everyone with us to have fun in our craziness :D #WWreaders 4 Life!

    April @ my Shelf Confessions


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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