Thursday, September 22, 2011

Follow Friday (45) Blog Hop (44)

Blog Hop

Follow Friday hosted by Alison and Parajunkee

Do you have a favorite series that you read over and over again? Tell us a bit about it and why you keep on revisiting it?
I don't know why I'm even going to answer this. Most of you know by now that anything relating to my favorite series I'll usually answer with...wait for it... wait for it...Vampire Academy. I think I've read it 4 or 5 times. Yeah, that sounds about right. That's before I had such a huge TBR pile though. Sometimes I do want to go back and just read the. You can never get enough Rose kicking butt, Dimitri just being swoony, and Adrians sarcastic attitude. Although, I just finished reading Vegas Dazzle, and I have to say I might just be re-reading this one a couple times now. :)

What's been going on here!
You probably noticed (or not) that a changed the way it looks a bit. I'm trying to decide if I like things Ion both sides or just one side. Oh, I'm gonna go see a movie Saturday, and my friend told me to pick out of Abduction w Taylor Lautner, Moneyball w/Brad Pitt, or Dolphin Tale which should I say I want to see?

Books Read:
Vegas Dazzle by Pam Langsam (finished review to come)
Gypsy Knights (reading on Kindle)
After Obsession (will be reading soon)

Non book related:


  1. Hopping through. I haven't re-read VA. I'd like to. It'd be a good way to pass time before the next Bloodlines book comes out.
    My Hop

  2. Vampire Academy! I'm about to go get myself Shadow Kissed tomorrow, I can see myself re-reading that series as well. :)
    New follower. :) My Friday!!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Vampire Academy is great! I've read this series twice and never get bored. Adrian is my favorite character for sure, I always have a soft spot for the brooding bad boy, even though he's really sweet. I was so excited that his story is continuing in Bloodlines!

    New Follower!
    My Follow Friday
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  4. Vampire Academy was really fun. I just finished the series not too long ago.

    Xpresso Reads

  5. Heya Ash!

    I haven't re-read VA. I suppose I have too many other books to get read before I think of re-reads! Haha. I still haven't bought Bloodlines yet. Ouch!

    By the way, I read After Obsession quite some time ago and I thought that it was just "okay".. I didn't really dislike the book but I was really wanting more from it. It is totally a teen book. Ya know more of a light read even when the story is supposed to be more heavy. If that makes sense?

  6. Yeah, that's back when I didn't have such a huge 'ole pile going on, and I didn't really know of any other books to read. I think I went and got bloodlines a few days after it came out, and read it. I loved it, but then again I love that world, and being able to see it from the lesser characters views was nice.

    That totally makes since. I actually won a copy from Khadija at Blackfingernail Reviews. It small so I can hopefully get through it quick. I've seen mixed feelings on it so I guess I'll see. Yeah, that makes since. :)


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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