Follow Friday
What are your new years book blogging resolutions?
I listed them over on their own page, but these are them. I'm sure I'll add some more if I can think of any. I'm taking part in Melissa's Blogger resolutions. My list here.
- Read more to bring down the TBR pile: I know this one will probably be on a lot of peoples list too. Actually, this one probably won't be so hard because I really haven't read a whole lot this year. I really started reading alot in like October I believe so (there's the word again) it won't be hard to fly right past. Plus, there are alot of awesome looking books coming out in 2011 that I want to read making it that much easier to achieve the goal. Yea 2011 Books!
- Giveaways & Guest Authors: I haven't actually had either of these since I just started in October, and well my money is a little..well not there at the moment for giveaways. I'm hoping though that I'll be able to do some in the future. (I will actually since I reached 100 followers, the problem is it might be awhile. Just hang with me.) On the guest authors I would love to do these because they look like so much fun, and being able to talk with the authors.
- Comment more: Yes, I added this one as well because as much as I look around, and read others blogs. I don't comment all that much. When I do it's usually because it's something that stood out to me, or I'm returning the comment. Don't worry though I do read the blogs. :)
- Write: I'm sure this one is probably on a lot of people list too. I really do want to write. I have like 2 or 3 stories I have some what of an outline on, but I can't get myself to actually take time to write. I even tried..okay not really, but I did sign up for the NaNo thing in November. I just didn't make myself do it. Support would have been nice I guess. (My bad!)
- Guest Bloggers: I just added this one, but it would be fun to be able to interact that way with other bloggers as well. Maybe it would help with being more active in the community. :) Meeting more awesome bloggers, and actually staying in touch with them through more then just the blog. Ie: Facebook, twitter, goodreads. I'm always on those. What can I say I haven't a life really outside this. Sad I know!
What's been going on over here at Bookaholics Anonymous:
Once a witch
Firelight (working on)
Night Star (working on)
Rants and more:
RIP Toby (my pup)
My poetry
Just spent almost 50 dollars at Half price books today. (a giftcard from my dad and his wife) I was in heaven I only thought it was for 10 dollars. I got some great books that I've been wanting, and have heard good things about. It'll be on my IMM Sunday. Also, I got season 3 of Friends (My new season I'm starting to buy now that I've pretty much completed Gilmore Girls), and 2 DVDs: Office Space. (I've been meaning to watch this since forever), D.E.B.S. I still have about 6 dollars left on it. Another book or 2. :)
I'd tell you I love you, but then I'd have to kill you. (so far awesome book. I can't keep from laughing)
The Forest of Hands and teeth (sadly I haven't finished it. I'm loser I know :))