Friday, March 13, 2015

Follow Friday: features I have

Question of the Week: Have you come up with any special memes or features on your blog that you'd like people to visit more? - Suggested byTake Me Away

I actually started a new meme this week called Reverse Thursday.
Here is my intro page Reverse Thursday and here is my first post Reverse Thursday with the mr linky. I really hope it's something that people will like because I need that extra push to read an older book. :)

I also started a feature awhile back that I only did for a short time, but I really want to get back to doing it. It's called Are you a bookaholic? I thought they were pretty fun questions. Depending on how I do it again I might even add a $5 dollar gift card for the people that choose to do the feature. Who knows?

Another little feature I do is called Questions? Answered! 
You know when you find those interesting discussions and maybe you feel like writing a whole paragraph about it, or something well I turned that into something. Go take a look. (I do this sporadically)

Another feature I do sporadically is called "Books I'd quit support group for" which I haven't done one in awhile it's sort of a WOW, but not.


  1. Those are a lot of creative ideas. I like the discussion questions. here's my post:

  2. I love your Questions? Answered! feature! I think that's a really great idea because there are a lot of newer bloggers who have questions. I also love the fact that if you commented your answer on someone else's blog, you link back to them. That's really nice and promotes blog love. :-)

    New follower!

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress

  3. Reverse Thursday is a great idea! I have so many books sitting on my shelf that I was freaking out about when I bought but then I still haven't gotten around to reading them!!

    Here's my Feature and Follow

    Jessica @ Ramblings on Readings

  4. Oh, also, new follower on bloglovin :)


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

I Had to turn on word verification. Sorry! I'm tired of getting spam.

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