Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorites..I can't just choose one

Hi everybody! How's everyone's week been going? 

 If you want to see all the other top ten post head on over to The Broke and the Bookish.
Todays topic is all time favorites from the past 3 (or 5 years)
These are in no particular order...
  1. Prisoner of Night and Fog (Prisoner of Night and Fog #1)

  2. Divergent (Divergent #1)

  3. Nevermore (Nevermore #1)

  4. Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits #1)

  5. Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy #1)

  6. Never Eighteen

  7. The Murder Complex (The Murder Complex #1)

  8. The Program (The Program #1)


  1. LOVED The Program and Pushing the Limits! I still need to read Darkest Minds, The Murder Complex and Prisoner of Night and Fog!

  2. Hey, visiting from the TTT link-up.
    Looks like you like a lot of series. :) I actually haven't read any of those books. "Never Eighteen" sounds intriguing.

  3. The Program is such a favourite of mine too! I am so happy with it and can't wait for The Remedy!! And I loved Pushing The Limits too.

    Thanks for visiting Swept Away By Books!

  4. I loved Divergent and The Program, they almost made it on my list, too ! Great list!
    You can check out mine if you have some time : http://wp.me/p5pugy-7u :)

  5. Ooh I've only read one of these, Divergent! I really liked the first book, but felt like the sequels were extremely disappointing. >.< I do have The Darkest Minds on my TBR pile though! Hopefully it ends up being one of my favs too :)

  6. I've only read Divergent, which means I have a bunch of books to add to my tbr!

  7. Divergent definitely makes it onto my list as well! It's the only one I have read of these, so it is a definite for me to get off my booty and read some more of these because they must be fab.


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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