Monday, March 16, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBR List 2015

Hi everybody! How's everyone's week been going? 

 If you want to see all the other top ten post head on over to The Broke and the Bookish.
Todays topic
What's on my

  1. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer- Ok, yes I have yet to read any of these, but I'm planning on reading them soon.
  2. Wild by Sophie Jordan- I enjoy her NA series, and I won this one from goodreads as an ARC so I need to read it.
  3. Vanished by E.E Cooper- I really haven't seen this one around a whole bunch, but I used it on a challenge so I'm going to get to it soon.
  4. Side Effects May Very by Julie Murphy- This is another one I have on a challenge. Plus she has a new one coming out that I want to read so I'm going to try and get to this one soon.
  5. Compulsion by Martina Boone- I've read nothing but good reviews for this one.
  6. Bloodline Series by Richelle Mead- As a fan of Richelle's work I feel like such a bad one because I've only read the first two books, and I honestly can't remember the second one. I'll probably start the series over with the second book.
  7. Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes- OMG! I just finihsed The Naturals by her, and this is the second book so I'll be getting to it as soon as I can. Love her books!
  8. Nil by Lynn Matson- This just sounds good.
  9. Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini- I know the second one is coming out this year so I want to be prepared.
  10. Graceling by Kristin Cashore- I've been meaning to read this one forever, and still haven't


  1. I hope you enjoy the Lunar Chronicles. I think they're great books! :-) My TTT

  2. Great list. I’ve read the first book in The Lunar Chronicles. It was a fun story and a quick read, but I’m not sure if I’m going to continue with the series.

    Graceling is one of those books that I’ve been meaning to read forever, too. I’ll get to it some day.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. Lunar Chronicles, whooo! Oh, I need to read all the sequels to FOREPLAY, too! I have SIDE EFFECTS MAY VARY on my nook...I should read it! and I have TRIAL BY FIRE to read, too. Oooooh, GRACELING....I love it so much!

  4. I haven't read the Lunar Chronicles yet either, so don't feel too bad! Great List!
    Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse


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Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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