Monday, March 23, 2015

Discussion: Bookish Subscription boxes

Hello Readers!
If you're like me then every once in awhile you notice that one of the book blogs you visit talks about a box of bookish goodies they have received from either Book Riot or  Uppercase box. Yes? No? In any case I did, and I always wondered about them. I never actually subscribe to those two sites until about a month ago when I figured I would give it a try. Before getting your hope they do cost some money, but I find it to be worth it. I love the stuff I got. :) 

Are you curious yet?

Book Riot actually does their boxes through a site called Quarterly. Their boxes cost 50.00, but when you see what you get it makes sense, and again it's worth it. You get a box every 3 months. They actually have two boxes now. One is a regular bookish box, and the other is a YA box (which I think is new). I'm actually subscribe for both now. This month I received the regular one. I got 2 books, and 2 bookish goodies. Although I've never heard of the two books I got it's still a nice surprise. 
Below is a picture
 I love the flask that says #booksandbooze and then the notebook that resembles a library checkout thing. I looked up some reviews on the books, and people seem to like them. 
So all in all I'd say this was an awesome box. -Note apparently the YA boxes sell out quick-

The next bookish subscription I decided to try was Uppercase Box, and they have two options to choose from $23 for an expert box or $29 for a personalized box. I chose the personalized box of course. This box is actually a monthly subscription. It ships the 15th of every month. If you love YA books and fun goodies then this box is for you. Wanna see what I got?
It comes in this awesome little bag.

In the bag I received Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, a Jane Austin candle, and note from Uppercase staff and a book plate signed by Victoria Aveyard. I love it, and I didn't have the book yet.

So what are your thoughts on these boxes? Have you subscribed to them already? Are you planning on it now? Are there others like these that you can think of?


  1. I didn't know these type of subscription boxes existed! I might try them. The problem for me is that I like to read ebooks a lot more than physical books so I don't know if I'd be annoyed to have to carry books around with me. The bookish things in each box seem really cool though. The only sub box I've ever gotten is Lootcrate, which is super fun.

    Vicarious Caytastrophe

    1. Yep, I saw it around, but I was always iffy about them, but not anymore. I know there are a few other awesome subscription boxes too I can't think of them. I have someone on my instagram account whose whole account is about boxes you can subscribe too. It's interesting.

  2. Oh wow!! Thank you for sharing! I subscribe to Birchbox (a makeup box) and I didn't know there were book boxes!! I'll probably sign up! (:

    Pearl @ AsteriskPearl's Book Blog

    1. No prob. I figured some might actually like them. Like I said I saw it on a few book bloggers sites, but not many. I thought maybe enough people don't know about them.

      I love the stuff I got in them! Apparently there are all sorts of boxes like I said above I have someone on my instagram account whose account is solely based on boxes of stuff. It's interesting.

  3. I have being eyeing the Book Riot boxes but the first few that I saw didn't really appeal to me, but maybe with the YA option it will now. I think the Uppercase box might be more up my alley. At one point I did an email subscription for digital books, I ended up not downloading a single one. Print is definitely the option for me.


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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