Thursday, November 10, 2011

Follow Friday (52)

Question: In light of 11.11.11 and Veteran's Day tell us about your favorite solider and how he or she is saving the world. Fictional or real life.

Wow, This one has definitely got me stumped to the point where I wasn't going to do it, but then I thought some more. While I don't really know very many Veteran's personally I do get to interact with them where I work (Cvs Pharmacy. I fill scripts.) I'm able to talk to them and hear the stories some, and these people are usually the sweetest  people. Sometimes that have no one else to talk to. I know I may complain a whole bunch about my job, but really I know that I'm helping these people live a little better by trying to help them live longer and healthy lives. Our pharmacy is right by a base sort of so we get all types of soldiers coming in. As for the fictional part I would think that any of the Dystopian books where the characters rebel against the goverment are pretty brave. I just finished reading Legend and really enjoyed Day and June's stories. When it comes I highly recommend it. I'll probably get around to a review.


  1. You just talking to the vets is amazing.. I wish more people would volunteer at the VA and talk to them there.


    Angela's Anxious Life

  2. They just opened a "Homes for The Brave" for women in my city. It's really special.
    I love Dystopian books where the "little people" fight against the "man".
    Follow Friday@BOOKS & BEYOND

  3. Aw, what a great insight, Ashley. Very sweet. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Happy Veteran's Day!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  4. Happy FF. I am already a follower. My FF:

  5. Wonderful story :)

    Happy Veteran's day!

  6. This week's FF had me stumped. I'm glad you answered, because you have a lovely story :)

    Happy FF!

  7. Hi, new follwer. Your job sounds wonderful - getting to meet all those people who've lived such interesting and varied lives. You must have heard so many various stories by now.

    You can find my FF here.

  8. Some people have friends and/or family who served or who is serving in the military. Other people aren’t really keen on the long-standing war and really have no answer at all.

    As for me? I don’t know anyone who is serving or who has served so I decided to go with what I want and chose a fictional soldier as an answer. The thing is, I had four prime candidates! I did eventually end up with one with a lengthy explanation. Care to know who it is? Follow me back to and find out!

    In celebration of today’s cool date of 11/11/11 I’m offering a special $11 discount off all my interactive fiction books! Sure I’m a book blogger but I’m also an author. All the details of the $11 off on 11/11/11 is at the bottom of my Follow Friday blog post.

    Since I’m posting this kind of late just add 'FF’ to the coupon code and it’ll be valid all weekend long!

    Thank God it’s Follow Friday!

    Howard Sherman, Implementor


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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