Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bookaholics Anonymous 500 follower Giveaway

YEA! I've hit 500 followers so I'm going to do my first official followers giveaway. It's going to happen the whole month of December. What better way to celebrate the holidays too. It also means that I could totally add more books to the stashes I have going!

Here is what I'm thinking:
Click each pack to be taken to the giveaway page for the particular one.
1. Dystopian Pack (Enclave, All these things I've done, divergent, more will probably be added)
2. Ashley's Favorite Reads Pack (Bad girls don't die, Beautiful Creatures, the body finder and more)
3.International Giveaway (One or 2 Books from the Book Depository) (International Followers)
4. Anthology Pack (vacations from hell, prom nights from hell and more)
5. And possibly 2011 Debuts pack (Falling Under, Iron Witch, and more maybe)

and I'm still contemplating on some other things. I will be adding some bookmarks and other little things with the packs because I have a collection going ,and I don't need a billion of one thing so I will share the swag wealth.

So this is what I have going on right now. This will be my official giveaway page, but come back on Dec 1st for more in depth details.



  1. Congrats :) I'm excited for the giveaway

  2. Congratulations on reaching 500 followers! Amazing feat. ;)

  3. Sounds fun! Congrats on your followers. :) I'm curious to see what will appear in your favorite reads pack.


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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