Thursday, November 24, 2011

Book Review: My Not So Still Life by Liz Gallagher

AUTHOR: Liz Gallagher
PUBLISHED: May 10,2011
PUBLISHER: Wendy lamb Books
PAGES: 192
SOURCE: Bought

Vanessa is wise beyond her years. She's never really fit in at school, where all the kids act and dress the same. She's an artist who expresses her talent in the wacky colors she dyes her hair, her makeup and clothes. She's working on her biggest art project, and counting the days until she's grown up and can really start living. That adult world seems closer when Vanessa gets her dream job at the art supply store, Palette, where she worships the couple who runs it, Oscar and Maye. And she's drawn to a mysterious guy named James, who leads her into new, sometimes risky situations. Is she ready for this world, or not?

My thoughts:
This is basically a story of how Vanessa learns that growing up to fast may not always be the best thing, and just being who you are is sometimes the best feeling you can have.

I can't say that I got to much out of this story. I wasn't really interested in the characters, or what was going on with them. If I'm going to love a story I have to be able to love the characters as well, and not just the story. If that doesn't happen then the story better be full of awesomeness. At times I thought Vanessa was kind of rude (especially to her friends). I mean your going to ignore or put down friends you have had for ever after just meeting these people who you claim are awesome and understand you better. I don't know I just felt bad for her friends I guess.

The one thing that I did enjoy was the artistic part of the book. I love reading about art, but that's as far as it goes. I suck at art, but occasionally I'll try drawing or something. After reading books that contain art or the characters that do art I'm like I want to draw. I want to be able to show my creative side. (That never happens)

I know this is really short, and not to helpful. Sometimes you get that one book that just doesn't work. It's not to say it won't work for you though. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your honest review. If I am not into the characters I usually can't get into the read.


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Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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