Thursday, August 11, 2011

Follow Friday (39) Blog Hop (38)

BLOG HOP by Crazy for Books
Let’s talk crazy book titles! Highlight one or two (or as many as you like!) titles in your personal collection that have the most interesting titles! If you can’t find any, feel free to find one on the internet!”
I don't see any that are on my shelf really so I went through google and I did find this site Funny Book Titles You have to read the title and then the author to understand. :) I did look for some other titles.

1.) Another Bullshit Night in Suck City by Nick Flynn (So I'm guessing this person is a pessimist?)
2.) If You Want Closure in Your Relationship, Start with Your Legs. (I saw this and I just about died out laughing.)

FOLLOW FRIDAY by Parajunkee

How has your reading habits changed since you were a teen? or If you are still a teen what new genres are you in love with currently?

I honestly didn't start reading and loving it until like a year or two ago. I did however read occasionally before that. I'd pick up books I thought sounded interesting and would read when ever I had time, or had the urge.  When I was in elementary and middle school I read the American girl books. Samantha, Felicity, Kristen, and a few others I had all the sets to them. Now I kind of wish I'd kept those. I also collected the babysitter club books. My closet shelf was lined with them.   


Go check some of them out. :)
Discussion: Why I like YA.
Writing: Reed Castle POV
Book Review: Through Her Eyes 

I'm currently working on other reviews. I'm beyond slow at the moment. I'm in a review funk. I have Human .4, Dash and Lilys books of dares, Solid, Reborn, Gateway, and Drowning in the dark, and a few others from a while ago I need to do. So I'm going to make my goal this weekend to write those. Can I do it? I hope so. 

Oh and I'm 15 away from 300 followers. That would make for an awesome giveaway with my other Vegas Dazzle book perhaps? Keep that in mind everyone. Don't forget My Giveaway for Starcrossed: Perigee by Tracey Campbell an E-book. It was suppose to be over in July, but I thought I could get some more entries. So if you haven't already go check it out. I think next Friday will be the end for sure. :)


  1. glad you got hooked on books! :)

    old follower here, hopping through!

    my FF:

  2. Hey! Good to know I'm not the only latent reader.

    New Follwer :) Here's my hop

  3. Ash, I've seen your bookshelves in your Vlogs! Hardcor dude :)

    BTW just nominated your for a blogger award! Check it out at The Write Obsession

  4. Greetings!! I'm a new follower and always excited to find fellow book lovers! Right now I'm balancing classics with newer books. I'm an English major (and wife and mom!) only 3 classes away from my B.A. Needless to say, I love to read!

    See you around!

  5. Oh heck, lol, both of those titles are hilarious.

    Here are my choices

  6. Just hopping through. New follower :) Check mine out at

  7. HA! I love those book titles! That's so funny!


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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