Monday, August 22, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I loved but never wrote a review for

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Top Ten Books You Loved But Never Wrote A Review For (either books you loved and couldn't bring yourself to write a review for or books that you read long before blogging...time to give them a shoutout!)
These are books that I actually read before I had a book blog. Most of them are...well not YA. :) If I could remember what happened in them I would write a review for them, but sadly my brain can't remember things from an 1 hour ago most the time so 2 years ago would be a little difficult. :)

  1. The Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard- My friend had read this, and said it was really good. It's about a mother who's son gets kidnapped. Nine years after the abduction the mother finds her son, and they go through emotional drama of being a family again. (I know that was probably a horrible explaination.) It's definitely an emotional read.
  2. Daddy's Little Girl by Mary Higgins Clark- Another one my friend said I might enjoy. It's about a 7 year old who finds her 15 year old sister beaten to death in a garage. She is put up as a witness to her sisters murder, and gets him convicted. (It sounds like it wouldn't be good, but it had the suspense. even though you knew who the murderer was it still made you wonder if maybe he wasn't)
  3. Thirst by Christopher pike- Okay, so this is a Ya book. It actually has 3 stories in one. It's about the supposedly last vampire on earth. I adored the character Seta I think her name was. There's 3 other books out. The last one which I believe just came out. I haven't read the others, but I need too.
  4. Where are the children? by M.H Clark- I can't remember much about this one either, but I usually like all of M.H Clark books that I read.
  5. Nightworld Vol 1 and 2 by L.J Smith- I absolutely loved these book, and how they all tied together in some way.
  6. Harry Potter books by J.K Rowling- I wasn't going to put these up here, but I don't have any reviews on the site for them so my shout-out is here. I'm sad it's all over. :(
  7. The Chronicles of Vladmir Tod by Heather Brewer- It has a male protaganist. I've read the first two books in this series, and if you read my TTT Post last week I had these books on here as a series I need to finish.
  8. Most Likely to die by A few different authors- I loved trying to figure out who the killer was.A Killer Who Gets Away With Murder Once . . .
    It's been twenty years since the night Jake Marcott was brutally murdered at St. Elizabeth High School. It's a night that shattered the lives of Lindsay Farrell, Kirsten Daniels, and Rachel Alsace. It's a night they'll never forget. A killer will make sure of that . . .
    Finds It Easier To Kill Again . . .
    A 20-year reunion has been scheduled for St. Elizabeth's. For some alumni, very special invitations have been sent: their smiling senior pictures slashed by an angry red line . . .
    And Again . . . And Again . . .

Alright, I almost made it to 10.


  1. I love the Nightworld series! I also read it before I had a blog! I didn't really like Thirst so much, but I am glad you did!

    Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead

  2. That's part of my trouble with books I didn't review: I don't always remember that much about the plot and I hate to try to review a book like that. I need to do it anyway. Some of my best reads were back before I wrote reviews for everything I wrote.

    Hope you will stop by and take a look at my post for this week: Top Ten Books You Never Wrote a Review For. And don't forget to sign up for the Readerbuzz August Giveaway!

  3. harry potter FTW!! i have it too on my list. i agree, it's just too awesome for words. fantastic list!

    check out my top ten list this week.


  4. The Deep End of the Ocean was SO GOOD!!

    Check out our AWESOME giveaways!


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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