Friday, November 28, 2014

#BookBlogWriMo Day 28: Book Pet Peeves

Boo Pet Peeves

Hi dear readers! Welcome to day 28 of the #BookBlogWriMo!

11/28 – Book Pet Peeves - What plot lines or stereotypes make you cringe or DNF?
-When the cover is changed in the middle of a series
(The one I was pissed that changed was The Nightshade Books by Andrea Cremer I loved the first book cover and then they switched them to look like all other books.)
-When the books go from Paperback to hardback in the middle of a series
(The two series I can think of are House of Night and Vampire Academy. I realize I could eventually get paperbacks for the HB, but that's not the point.)
-Movie Covers on the books
(I just couldn't see buying a book with the movie cover. -shudders-)
-When the books in a series almost are exactly the same.
(Okay I know I will get grief with this one, but the first two books in the hunger games. Same. They fight in the games.)

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Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

I Had to turn on word verification. Sorry! I'm tired of getting spam.

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