Monday, November 10, 2014

#BookBlogWriMo Day 10: Memes you meme

Memes You Meme

Hi dear readers! Welcome to day 10 of the #BookBlogWriMo!
11/10 – Memes You Meme - Do you #ThrowbackThursday or indulge in a little #ManCandyMonday? Share some of your favorite meme posts from your blog or social media pages.

When I first started blogging I use to do all sorts of memes, but then I realized I needed to cut back and pick a few that I would do (I usually only do those on occasion now).
The main ones I loved to do were....
In my mailbox (thestorysiren which is no longer done. Kristi took her site down)
 Follow Friday (Alison can read and Parajunkee. Which I very rarely do anymore)
Top ten tuesday (Broke and the bookish still do if I like the list for that week)
Waiting on wed (Breaking the spine. I'll usually do maybe one a month or so) 


  1. I used to do a few of the memes when I started blogging, mainly because I didn't have enough reviews to post. Now I scaled way back, usually only one review per week and no memes. I do really like the Top Ten Tuesday Meme though I've never participated, I read a lot of other people's posts.


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

I Had to turn on word verification. Sorry! I'm tired of getting spam.

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