Thursday, December 15, 2011

Follow Firday (56)

Follow Friday hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee

When you've read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)

When I've read a book I'll usually just put it back up on my shelf in hopes that one day I'll read it again. I think the two main series I have that I've read numerous times are Vampire Academy (all 6 books) and Twilight (all 4 books). There are a few that I want to go back and re-read because I can't for the life of me remember what happens and I still have to read the last books in those series like Evernight and Stargazer. I read a few years ago and I have yet to read the last two and now that I have all of them it 'll be fresh in my mind (not to mention I can review the first two since I didn't have my site back then) the other series is the Wolves of mercy falls. I read Shiver when it came out, but haven't read Linger or Forever which I have. Yeah,  that wasn't part of the question, but anyways I have a hard time giving away any books unless I have an extra copy. Which in my case sometimes happens.

This has nothing to do with books, but the past few months have been like crap for me with family problems and living arrangements. It's weird how it takes one REALLY good thing to make all the BAD things not so bad. These past 2 weeks or so have been awesome. I just want to say thanks to those who have put up with my emails. :) You know who you are. Oh, I got a new phone from said good thing for Xmas. :) See points below.


  1. I love VA!! They're all in my re-read list. But I just sold my twilight books to buy a new series... i havent decided which neew series to buy.

    Happy friday, old follower! ;)

  2. Ahh Ash, new phone looks awesome. You deserve good things. The cover is very pretty. You'll have to respond in kind!

  3. I keep all my books too. I'm convinced that I will re-read them one day but there are so many brilliant new books I want that many of them never get re-read. New follower.


  4. I hoard mine in hopes one day I'll get around to re-reading them, new follower, here's mine

  5. I have the same phone, it is awesome!I don't like giving up my books either, books are like my little babies lol
    MY FF

  6. Congrats on the new phone! I'm glad things are looking up for you.

    Here is my Follow Friday post

    Old follower =)

  7. New follower.

    Good thing about answering questions like this on your blog is that you can say whatever you want. :) PS - I love Twilight too.

  8. I own Twilight and I've been saying for years that I was going to re-read them but I haven't gotten around to it yet. For me, my main re-read series is Harry Potter. I bought the books on the days they were released, so they cost a fortune, but I've gotten my money's worth because I've read them so many times! I haven't read any of the other series you mentioned except the first book in the Vampire Academy series, but I have them on my list.
    LOVE your header, btw. Happy Friday from an old follower! :-)

  9. I love the Vampire Academy! I would have to say that is one of my all time favorite series. Another great series is the Morganville Vampire Series!

    Old Follower

    My FF

  10. I am so there with you on the--don't wanna part with them unless I have an extra copy :)

    Love the blog :) New follower!


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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