Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reverse Thursday: Betrayals by Lili St. Crow

 Reverse Thursday is a feature/MeMe that I think I came up with. I haven't seen anything like it around. If there is I'm sorry just let me know, and I can give credit where due. :)
What is Reverse Thursday you ask?
Well I started thinking that we give so much love to those books that we are waiting on that aren't released yet that maybe we forget those that have been out for awhile. I know I'm totally horrible about this.That's why so many older books go unread by me. So to fix that problem Reverse Thursday was born. It's kind of like a TBT (Throwback Thursday for books)

What I picked this week?
Betrayals by Lili St.Crow

Published November 17th 2009 by Razorbill (first published October 29th 2009)
She’s no angel...

Poor Dru Anderson. Her parents are long gone, her best friend is a werewolf, and she’s just learned that the blood flowing through her veins isn’t entirely human. (So what else is new?)

Now Dru is stuck at a secret New England Schola for other teens like her, and there’s a big problem—she’s the only girl in the place. A school full of cute boys wouldn’t be so bad, but Dru’s killer instinct says that one of them wants her dead. And with all eyes on her, discovering a traitor within the Order could mean a lot more than social suicide...

Can Dru survive long enough to find out who has betrayed her trust—and maybe even her heart?

Why I picked this?
It's the 2nd book in the Strange Angels Series. I read the fist one back when I first started my blog, and for some reason I never got around to finishing the series. I'm not sure why because I have the whole series on my shelf. I enjoyed the first one (My review) so it seems only right to read the rest and I want to find out what happens to Dru.

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Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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