Question of the Week: Have you ever read a book you thought you'd hate but loved? Or vice versa? - Suggested by
I'm going to go with a book I thought I'd love but hated.
I guess I just assumed I would love it because everyone else (and I mean everyone) loved it.
Any guesses as to what it was?
No.....Well it had a movie made from it, and I actually enjoyed the movie a lot more.
Part 2 will be coming out the end of the year I believe.
It was The Hunger Games.
I hate to say it, because it makes me lose bookworm points, but i haven't read The Hunger Games. I know sooooo many people love it, but I just don't think I'll enjoy it at all!
ReplyDeleteI'm a new bloglovin follower.
Beth x
It took me a long time to read it, but I didn't enojy it until the third book.
DeleteThe Hunger Games movies are so good. I really like the books, but I thought the third movie was better than the third book.
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I agree I liked the movies a lot better than the books.
DeleteOh no! I love The Hunger Games! The movies are pretty good though. :)
ReplyDeleteOld follower!
My FF!
Yeah. I enjoyed the movies better.
DeleteAww! I love The Hunger Games! The third book was a little upsetting... But The Hunger Games will always have a special place in my heart because it introduced me to the dystopian genre!
ReplyDeleteOld follower!
Here's my FF!
It's funny that you say the third book was upsettying. I can totally see why though. Out of all the books that one was my fave.
DeleteGASP! You didn't like the Hunger Games! Those books (especially the first one) are so great! I was so sure you would say Twilight (which I'd agree with wholeheartedly.)
ReplyDeleteI thought I would hate The Raven Boys, but I ended up liking that book. ( I didn't love it, per se, but I did REALLY like The Dream Thieves, which is bk 2.)
~Sarah Faulkner
I know. The first two just seemed too similar. They had basically the same plot. The third was a little better though. The twilight books were actually ok to me. I haven't read the raven boy books yet although I have them on m y kindle and in print.
DeleteI havent read the Hunger games..It is so hyped that I have got bored hearing how good it is and all.
ReplyDeleteNew GFC follower
-Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff
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