Hey lovely readers,
I'm Ashley and this is my home in the book community.
- Tell us your history with reading. Were you always a reader? Were you a reluctant reader? Was there a book that convinced you to become a reader?
When I was younger I wasn't the type of child who had her nose stuck in a book. I remember going to some bookstore and finding a corner of Clifford the big red dog books and loving those. I remember when the book fairs would come to school (You remember those right? The Scholastic Book Fairs.) I would pick out books like the Baby-Sitters Club and I remember the original american girls books that I loved to read like Samantha, Felicity, Kirsten, but as I grew up I think I fell out of reading. The next time I really picked up a book and enjoyed myself was with the Harry Potter books and then Twilight.
- How did you get involved in the online book community?
I remember I was sitting in my moms room late at night because at the time my apartment didn't have electricity. I think I came across Kristi's Site The Story Siren, and thought that would be awesome to have a blog like that. Then I dug a little deeper and came across Goodreads, and I was hooked. Before my book blog I had a personal blog (which is still accessible) Even before that I had a livejournal. (which I still have). If we want to keep going I've had tons of websites dating back to '98 or '99 when I was in middle school, and my life started falling in a downward spiral. Family issues.
- How did you choose your primary platform (blog, Instagram, YouTube, etc)? How did you come up with your blog name?
A blog was just the natural thing for me because 1.) there wasn't instagram when I started and youtube wasn't really a booktube place I don't at the time. Also, I had made so many of my own websites back in middle and high school that a blog seemed the easiest to do for me.
The name came because I had another blog for about 20 days and it was okay. However it just wasn't catchy enough for my taste. One day I remember talking to my Sis-in-law, and she mentioned how I should join a group for bookaholics. Then it hit me AA. There should be a group of people sitting around talking about their book addictions. I was in love <3.
- What’s your favorite thing about the online book community?
I love being able to interact with people who have my same obsession with books. I love that I can find out where signings are gonna be and meet the authors that I love.
- What sort of posts can readers expect from you?
Normally, I post reviews, discussions, anything that seems book-related. I know right now it looks as if 've abandoned my home here, but I'm still around trying to get back in the swing of things.
- Food? Beverage? I'm not sure I have a fave food maybe Spaghetti and Dr.pepper is my fave drink
- Color? Red and Black
- Things to do apart from reading? Work, Watch Netflix.
- TV shows? Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Bad Girls Club, I have way too many...
- Musical artists? No one in particular.
- Places to shop? I love Half Price Books
- Favorite child books? Clifford the Big Red Dog, American Girls
- Favorite books I read in the last 5 year
s? lol really
- Underrated book, series, author you love? The Last First Game by Gina Azzi
- Book boyfriend/girlfriend? Book BFF? Book family? Dimitri from VA Series, Rose from Va Series, The Weasleys from Harry Potter
- Books you want to read in 2017? Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab and I'm sure there are more.