Saturday, April 30, 2011

My April RAK-Closed

So this was my first month doing the R.A.K hosted by Book Soulmates, and I can honestly say I enjoyed it. Being able to send people books that they have on the list is rewarding I think. I know that some places don't have certain bookstores like Half Price books where you can always find at least one book that seems interesting for cheap (Me I always find like 10 or more) and being able to get those books and send them is a good feeling. I've actually done this sending books off to a friend in GA I find that she doesn't have. Although at the moment I have a box (seriously a box full of like 10 books probably that I need to send to her) -Amy if you read this I promise I will send it-

Then also being able to recieve books is fun too. Coming from people who barely know you that's a nice feeling. Knowing that there are good-hearted (is that a word) people out there. So once more I would like to thank:

 Khadjia of Black Fingernailed Reviews for Sean Griswolds Head ( a book thats on my contempt challenge list) and the cool swag as well. :)

Jennifer (I'm not sure if she has a blog or not) for Soul-less (my first steampunk book)

Sara for The summer I turned pretty and Halo

These are my april R.A.K as mentioned above

Then I have to throw this in here too because after all act of kindness. Amy from Lady Readers Bookshelf was nice enough to get me Kelley Armstrongs new book The Gathering (signed) and some swag with it for my birthday. Thank you!!!! 

Happy reading and Blogging!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Book Review: All About Daisy

AUTHOR: O'dell Hutchison
PAGES: 374
SERIES/STAND ALONE: Series I believe
SOURCE; Author
OUTLINE: High school is NOT for sissies...

Fourteen-year-old Daisy barely made it through middle school. After three years of being constantly taunted and bullied, she's decided it's time for a change. It all begins with a list of things she feels she needs: a best friend, popularity, a boyfriend, a first kiss, a spot on the cheerleading squad, and most importantly, boobs. With list in hand, Daisy just knows she will make a huge splash at Glenmark High, and her days of being miserable will be over.

The splash she makes isn't exactly what she was going for, and after a disastrous first day, she is ready to throw in the towel. It only takes a chance meeting with sophomore Russel Bryan, her grade school crush, to change everything. Soon, Daisy finds herself hanging out with the popular girls, preparing to try out for a spot on the cheerleading squad and looking forward to the homecoming dance.

Just when things start to look up for her, a betrayal by a new friend shatters everything she had hoped for. With her reputation on the line and the threat of a family secret being revealed, Daisy decides to take things into her own hands. It may not be her destiny to be popular, but she is done being taken advantage of.


For Daisy going to high school was suppose to be a new expierence and forgetting about all that happened in middle school. The problem is can Daisy make that happen, or will she be stuck in the same boat? Daisy made a list of what she wants out of high school, and by all means she's going to stick by it even if it means losing herself in the process. 1. Get a boyfriend 2. Be a cheerleader. So what happens when one of the hottest guys suddenly takes an interest in you? A best friend you had in elementary school, and her new popular friend wants to befriend you? She soon realizes that having everything isn't always what it's cracked up to be. Being popular---not so much fun when you have to pretend your best friend is a charity case.

Going into the book I thought it would be a cute read, kind of light if that makes any sense. It was definitely that, but also I could see an underlying message. Just be who you are. That truly is a precious gift. What I find true about this book is that it's exactly what I remember high school being like. You're suppose to be friends will somehow find a way to stab you in the back. Maybe it's not like that for everyone, but I think it's true.

It had a little bit of everything. The diverse characters, the bullying, heartbreak, mean girls, drama.

As a character Daisy was a bit whiny, but that to me is expected from someone her age. I didn't really understand her fasicnation with the popular guy. I wasn't to stuck on him. I liked finding some stuff out about her brother, and her being able to go along with him. I liked Daisy's real friend Margaret because she seemed to genuinely care about her. The other popular girls did remind me of the movie Mean girls.

All in all I look forward to seeing how Daisy grows as a character in the other books along with other things. :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Follow Friday (26) Blog Hop (25)


Q. Keeping with the dystopian and apocalypse theme that seems to be running rampant on, I have one very hard question for you: If you were stocking your bomb shelter, what books would you HAVE to include if you only had space for ten?

1. Vampire academy
2. Mortal Instrument Books

I will add more later
(on my way to see Fast Five)

Summer is coming quickly - what 2011 summer release are you are most looking forward to?"
I would have to say Supernaturally by Kiersten White and Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer. I loved both the begining books so I'm looking forward to seeing where they take them. :)

My New Kindle!

YES! I finally took the plunge into the world of E-Readers. I thought about whether I wanted the Kindle or the Nook. I think I went with the kindle because I use amazon alot more then I do any other site. Not to mention I've wanted a Kindle ever since I saw the commercail on tv. Ok so I've only had it for a day, but i love it. The only downside I see right now is the whole book light thing. I love being able to put the books I request from netgalley on it now instead of my computer. I also like the music part of it that it says their expiermenting with. I say keep that! I don't have an ipod (and cd palyer are so outdated now. :) ) That it's nice to be able to have music on the kindle and listen to it in my car. :) So all in all day one with my kindle was awesome-ness. Did I tell you I stayed up til 5 in the morning playing on it.

I love my cover. :)

Happy reading and blogging!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In my mailbox (24) Edition: Special Canine Pal

This is a little late, but here it is! Special guest Radar!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Discussion Time: Books to Movies


  • Alright I'm giving you two ways here to see my discussion. One being via my video chatter. (I enjoy talking to my camera. I hope you enjoy listening and watching.) Two being my typed out version which will probably not mirror anything I say on video so yeah. :)
  • To join in on my discussion just start typing a comment, and I will get it and respond back of course.
  • Send your friends the link and have them join in to. The more the merrier. I'm always willing to hear others thoughts on subjects that are constantly on my mind.

I realize in the video I say I'm lazy about typing stuff out (which is true to a point my eyes just start hurting after awhile and videos are sometimes easier to do.) In the video I talk about some movies that are reportedly being made into films, and then which books and series I think would be interesting movies/tv series. Enough about that on to why you're reading this.

I've been thinking about this for sometime. I know sounds like I have nothing better to do with my time huh?  I think this particular subject has been on my mind because of all the latest news of The Hunger Games and  The Mortal Instruments being made into movies.

The Hunger Game Thoughts-
 I actually read somehwere that The Hunger Games would be out March of 2012. While I'm not 100% in love with the book (it could be because I have to read Catching Fire and Mockingjay still) I think the basis around the story and characters is one that would make for an interesting movie. I mean who wouldn't love the action, futuristic world, the characters. I think this movie would probably reach more of the male audience as well as females because of the action unlike Twilight which was more of a love story. I know I know I'm comparing. I'm just saying though. So how well do you think they can make this series into a movie? What would be some hard things to do for it like say for instance bring the actual hunger games to life?
The IMDb for Hunger Games

The Mortal Instruments-
I'm almost as jazzed about this one being made into a film as my vampire academy series (which is still in the works :( ) just because I'm now reading the books I'm almost through with book two. I think this would be an awesome movie. You have all the paranormal creatures, action between good and evil, make-believe lands, real cities just everything that can make a good movie. The hot guys don't hurt it either. ;) What do you think about it becoming a movie? So far it says it's for a 2012 release as well, but as of right now it looks like they just have Clary cast.
The IMDb for The Mortal Instruments

As readers and fairly obsessed book lovers what are your thoughts on the movie industry making our beloved books into films, and maybe portraying them differently then what we would like or how we see them in our minds? I've thought about this some too and quite frankly I think it could go either way. I mean being able to see our books (not ours actually but what we read) come to life is always an awesome thing seeing it played out visually and not just mentally in our heads. Does that even make sense? On the other hand sometimes it's best if the book is left just the way it was intended to be and that is read and left to the readers imagination. Not messed with and picked apart to where important parts of it are just gone. I kind of think that maybe Hollywood is running out of ideas for movies so they are turnng to authors and their books for ideas. I mean look how well the Twilight series and Harry Potter books did as movies. Those producers and movie people see that and think this could work perhaps. I know it's not that simple to turn a book into a movie, but you get where I'm going with this right? I know there are other books turned movies, but these were major book series. That did really well turned or so I'm guessing. :) Twilight is kind of iffy, but still I would watch them all over again (and I have all though I skip to the parts I like).

Well now that I've rambled on about this for quite sometime via video and typing.

Let's discuss!
I'm all eyes!!!

Here's someones list of possible books turned movie according to the IMDb site
YA books to movies
A few of them are actually books I would love to see as movies. As I said in the video

Next Discussion: Book Covers and the trends we see in them.
Do you have an idea for a discussion here let me know and I might just use it one day in the future.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Review: City of Bones

AUTHOR: Cassandra Clare
PUBLISHER: Simon and Schuster
PAGES: 485

OUTLINE: When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder - much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Then the body disappears into thin air. It's hard to call the police when the murderers are invisible to everyone else and when there is nothing - not even a smear of blood - to show that a boy has died. Or was he a boy?

This is Clary's first meeting with the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. It's also her first encounter with Jace, a Shadowhunter who looks a little like an angel and acts a lot like a jerk. Within twenty-four hours Clary is pulled into Jace's world with a vengeance, when her mother disappears and Clary herself is attacked by a demon. But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know....

I'm not going to go into detail by typing it out, but here are a few of my points I mention in the video. :)

-Love the characters! Every one of them! I'm definitely team Jace though. :) Gotta love the bad boys!
-The whole world seems very intriguing. I wouldn't mind being a shadowhunter.
-I love when an author can put all the paranormal creatures in the book like: Vampires, Werewolves, Fairies (Fair people as they're called in this book. I'm not a fan of that.) Demons.
-Clary and Jace's comentary and sarcasm towards each other. I love when a book can make you laugh at loud.
-The diversity of the characters in the book. If you've read it you know what I mean.
-It will make a good movie I think.

-I will admit it had it's moments when it seemed like other books. (I hate saying that because I don't like comparing books but it's true in a way) It does stand out on it's own though.

-Well there goes my plan for selling them on eBay.(Clary)
Selling them on What? (Jace)
A mythical  place of great magical powers. (Clary)
-If you were half as funny as you thought you were, my boy, you'd be twice  as funny as you are. (dorethea)

I'll add more quotes later. :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

In My Mailbox (23): The Books of Awesome-ness Edition

This is In My Mailbox hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren.

I will definitely say that this week has been awesome for me! I think our mailman will come to know me well.

Radar reading City of Bones with me. :)

My stack this week!

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous
Identical by Ellen Hopkins
Gifts by Ursula K Leguin
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohen and David Levithan
Hunger by Michael Grant
Escaping the Vampire by Kimberly Powers
Bleed by LFS
Birth of the pack by Petru Popsecu
Oh My Gods By Tera Lynn Childs
Lovesick by Jake Coburn
Deadly Little Secret by LFS
Deadly Little Lie by LFS
Frozen Fire by Tim Bowler
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
Dark Life by Kat Falls
Exposed by Susan Vaught
Lover Mine by J. R Ward
Lover Avenged by J.R Ward
The BDB: Insiders Guide

From Publishers and Authors:
Ten Miles past normal by Frances O'Roark Dowell (From Jennifer at S & S)
The Bleeders by Michaela Haze-Signed (From Michaela Haze )
Pride and Prejudice and Zombie (From Eric at Quirk Books)
Dawn of the Dreadfuls (From Eric at Quirk Books)
Dreadfully Everafter (From Eric at Quirk Books)

Soul-less by Gail Carriger (From Jen at
The summer I turned Pretty by Jenny Han (From Sara at Just Another Story)
Halo by Alexandra Adornetto (From Sara at Just Another Story)
Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Levitt (From Khadija of BlackFingernail Reviews)

Swag and other cool things:
The Bleeder Bookmarks-signed (From Michaela Haze)
The Meowmorphosis poster (From Eric at Quirk books)
Miss Peregrines home for Peculiar Children poster (From Eric at Quirk Books)
Dreadfully Everafter poster (From Eric at Quirk Books)
A Touch Mortal Sticker (From Khadija of Blackfingernailed Reviews)
Virals Bookmark (From Khadija of Blackfingernailed Reviews)
The Sapphire Talisman (From Khadija of Blackfingernailed Reviews)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Follow Friday (25) Blog Hop (24)


Do you have anyone that you can discuss books with IRL? Tell us about him/her.
To be quite honest I never really had anyone to talk books with up until a few months ago when my sister in law asked me what kind of books she should read. So far I got her to read all the Vampire Academy books by Richelle Mead, The Blue Blood Series by Melissa De La Cruz, and The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare books (which I just now started reading the first one, and I'm loving it!) She's more into the Fantasy type books like LotR and stuff. Still I enjoy being able to have at least one person. It's really a shame that she's the only one. That's why I'm so glad I found this community. I've made some awesome friends that I can talk to. :)

Sidenote: Alright if anyone knows how to make the drop down menus for the page links I would be so greatful. I've found a few sites that tell me, but I'm stupid and can't get it to work right. Suggestions?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

In My Mailbox (22)

In my mailbox is hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren I actually recorded this last sunday so yeah. :)

The Sweet far thing by Libba Bray
What my Mother doesn't know by Sonya Sones
Looking for Alaska by John Green
Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
Confessions of Vampires Girlfriend by Katie MacAlister
Gamer Girl by Mari Mancusi
Killing Britney by Sean Olin
Vampire Crush by A.M Robinson
The Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan
Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck
Tangled by Carolyn Mackler
I am Number Four by Pitacus Lore
Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Follow Friday (24) Blog Hop (23)

Do you judge a book by it's cover?
I totally judge a book by it's cover. That's usually how I come about the books I pick from HPB. (also the summary helps sometimes) I know it's probably not a good thing to do because there are some really good books that have the boringest (Is that a word?) covers but are awesome books. Vice versa. I've actually been meaning to do a discussion on book covers and the girls in fancy dresses covers. I might do that next week. I mean seriously half (maybe less than half. I don't know) are covers with girls in fancy dresses. I'm going to research those and like I said discuss it. it somethi8ng that interest me. I'm interested to see who doesn't judge a book by it's cover.



Shadow Hills

In My Mailbox
Show Me Your R.A.K
Domain Name

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Show me your R.A.K

Alright this is my first time particiapting in this, and I'm really looking forward to it because I love going to the bookstores and being able to find books that people like/want and getting them. (Honest you can ask one of my friends. I recently bought her 5 books just because she didn't have them and I read them and liked them or they've gotten really good reviews)

So on to the.....
Rules:• Sign up each month you'd like to participate in.

• Show off your participation! Grab one of the buttons available :)

• Create a wish list and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
{Post on your blog, Amazon, where ever as long as there's a link to it.}

• If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wish list and contact that blogger for their address.

• At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K!
Make a post saying 'Thank You' to whoever granted one of your wishes and share it with us :)

Let's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there's always the Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!

Want to join in visit Book Soulmates

Here is my R.A.K Wishlist

I got a Domain Name! (and other stuff)


So if you read one of my earlier posts then you know I was contemplating the idea of getting a domain name. I actually was looking around, and a bunch of them were really expensive, and to be honest I didn't want to completely leave blogger. I'm so accustom to it and I know how to use most things on it. As i was searching I figured Kristi's site would maybe help. It did! I was able to stay with blogger and still have a domain name. YEA! It was actually really easy. How much did it cost you ask? Only 10 dollars a year. You can't get much better then that I don't think. I'm soooo excited. I don't have to transfer anything. It all just stays the same. :)

Since I did this I'll probably be trying to make it a little more organized. I'm still trying to figure out the stupid drop down menu. (I can't for the life of me figure it out) I've found a couple of sites that help with it, but still I fail. So if anyone has some suggestions on that let me know.

As you may have notice I've been kind of slacking off a bit. I didn't do hardly anything this past week on my blog. I guess mainly because I've been in one of those funks. Do you ever get that way? I didn't do the IMM, followfriday/blog hop...nothing. I will definitely try to do more this week if possible. I have 2 reviews I need to work on and put up for All About Daisy and The Candidates. Both very good books I might add. :) I just got Demonglass (Hex Hall #2) by Rachel Hawkins so I'm currently reading that. I stopped the other book I was reading because I was ready for this one. Poor...The forest of hand and teeth I keep putting it off although I've gotten past the 100 page mark. :)

Onto other stuff-----
OHHH guess what MONDAY is.....go on guess...okay well if you haven't read the about me section or aren't a friend on facebook. (because that'll tell you) it's April 4th which is............... MY birthday...yuup. another year the wiser. Okay not really but still. I actually have to work that evening. I guess that's fine though truthfully I'm not going to do anything. The only person I would actually do stuff with I haven't spoken to in 4 months. (I'm curious to see if she'll txt me or anything) So what are you going to get me? Suggestion...hummm..books perhaps? I'm kidding. I actually told my mom that if she would just take me to the bookstore and let me pick some books out I'd be totally happy with that. After this b-day just 5 more years til 30..oh no...

Well that is all for now I will see you later this week.


In my mailbox 21

This is in my mailbox hosted by Kristi of the Story Siren

So these are all books from last week I just didn't do an IMM Sunday actually I haven't really done anything on the site this past week. Just been in one of those moods. :) I'm BACK though! I actaully have 3 reviews I need to write and put as well. Oh and in my defense 5 books were for a friend. :)

Balefire by Cate Tiernan
Ballad by Maggie S.
Lament by Maggie S.
Gone by Michael Grant
Naomi and Ely's No kiss list by Rachel Cohen and David Levithan
Forbidden by
Ash by Malinda Jo
Elixir by Hilary Duff
Kiss in the Dark by
Kiss of life by Daniel Waters
Swoon by Nina
Before I fall by Lauren Oliver
Leverage by Joshua Cohen
The Univited by Tim Wynne-Jones

 For friend
Bad girls don't die by Katie Alendar
Strange angels by Lili St Crow
Betrayals by Lili St Crow
Jealousy by Lili St Crow
(So apparently defiance isn't the last book in the SA series)
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