Saturday, April 30, 2011

My April RAK-Closed

So this was my first month doing the R.A.K hosted by Book Soulmates, and I can honestly say I enjoyed it. Being able to send people books that they have on the list is rewarding I think. I know that some places don't have certain bookstores like Half Price books where you can always find at least one book that seems interesting for cheap (Me I always find like 10 or more) and being able to get those books and send them is a good feeling. I've actually done this sending books off to a friend in GA I find that she doesn't have. Although at the moment I have a box (seriously a box full of like 10 books probably that I need to send to her) -Amy if you read this I promise I will send it-

Then also being able to recieve books is fun too. Coming from people who barely know you that's a nice feeling. Knowing that there are good-hearted (is that a word) people out there. So once more I would like to thank:

 Khadjia of Black Fingernailed Reviews for Sean Griswolds Head ( a book thats on my contempt challenge list) and the cool swag as well. :)

Jennifer (I'm not sure if she has a blog or not) for Soul-less (my first steampunk book)

Sara for The summer I turned pretty and Halo

These are my april R.A.K as mentioned above

Then I have to throw this in here too because after all act of kindness. Amy from Lady Readers Bookshelf was nice enough to get me Kelley Armstrongs new book The Gathering (signed) and some swag with it for my birthday. Thank you!!!! 

Happy reading and Blogging!


  1. Yay! for all the great books you got from R.A.K.! Yeah, I'm one of those people who live in a country that doesn't half priced books or books that I want in general. Its really infuriating and not all the time am I able to buy books online. -.- But oh well! I'm glad you found this feature. In the future. I hope I get the chance to return the favor to all those amazing people who were generous enough to send me books! :D

    Have a nice day! <3

  2. Nice stash ladies. I'm a bookaholic as well. Please visit me when you get the chance.

  3. Glad you liked the swag :) I hope you'll enjoy Sean Griswold's Head! You really made out this month :P Thanks so much again for Evernight and Stargazer!

  4. Very nice!! Glad you got some awesome RAKs your first time :) I love, love, LOVE "Soulless" and I hope you do too!


  5. I'm happy that you liked it! <3


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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