Blogging Resolutions
1. Be more active on my bookish accounts- I did okay on bookstagram in August, September, October with book challenges, and I had fun putting together the pictures but I've been slackin there too. Twitter is aw hole other story. I can't seem to get into it, but I want to because I wanna be social in the book community.
2. Comment, Comment, Comment- I always start off pretty good with this, and then half way through the year I kinda stop.
3. Schedule posts a head of time- This is something that if I would just write the post and reviews I would be set, but I have a hard time making my self sit down long enough to write up post and reviews.
4. WRITE REVIEWS AFTER READING THE BOOK- This may seem like a big DUH to everyone, but again I have a hard time sitting down after I've read a book, and putting a review into coherent thoughts. The past year or so I've seem to hit this wall. I just think everything I write seems generic or boring. I want over this wall to where everything is a wow factor. Will that happen? I guess only I will know.
Book Resolutions
1. Read more books this year than last year- I think I read around 64 books last year. I set my goodreads goal for 50, but I want to get way past that.
2. Finish series I've started- I have SOOOOOO many series that I've started (that are finished) and for some reason or other (I get excited for the newer books..shhhh) I don't finish them.
To name a few: Bloodline series by Richelle Mead (Read 2), Legend Series by Marie Lu, (read 1) Fallen Series by Lauren Kate (read 1), Wolves of Mercy Fall series by Maggie Stiefvater (read 1), The Darkest Mind Series by Alexandra Bracken (read 2), Matched Series by Ally Condie (read 1), Wither Series by Lauren DeStefano (read 1)
3. Branch out of Ya- Don't get me wrong I still LOVE YA with all my heart, but in December I got into reading more adult books, and it was a nice change.
Personal Resolutions
1. Have healthier habits- I was diagnosed with Diabetes late last year (before that they called it pre-diabetic) My doctors tried me on a few medications, but since then he's referred me to an Endocrinologist to better help me I guess. If the medications I'm on don't do the trick then I'm looking at possibly being put on insulin and that I'm NOT looking forward to.
2. Don't let the stress get to me- I think this is a big one for me. It can fall under a few different personal resolutions I want to do to. My job causes me to worry a lot, and I love it, but certain co-workers just press the wrong buttons, and now that we are losing a ton of business do to losing a few big insurance companies I'm guessing my job is is in an iffy state.