Monday, August 3, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Fairytale retellings I want to read

Hi everybody! How's everyone's week been going? 

 If you want to see all the other top ten post head on over to The Broke and the Bookish.

Todays topic:
Book nerd characters

1. Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Cinderella in the future
2. Strands of Bronze and Gold by Jane Nickerson
The Bluebeard fairy tale
3. Entwined by Heather Dixon
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
4. Splintered by A.G Howard
Alice in wonderland
5. Tiger Lily by Jodie Lynn Anderson
Peter Pan
6. Nameless by Lil St.Crow
Snow white
7. Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce
Little Red Riding Hood
8.Towering by Alex Flinn
9. Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
Wizard of OZ
10.The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
A Thousand and one nights retold


  1. Really want to read Entwined as well. Sounds and looks amazing, plus I have a blogging friend who recommends it. :)

  2. Cute organization on your post today!

    This was such a fun post idea this week. I love retellings and you picked some good ones. Drop by my blog and sign up for my give-away. It relates to today's meme.

    My TTT Retellings

  3. I'm really looking forward to The Wrath and the Dawn and Dorothy Must Die! :)

    Check out my TTT.

  4. ooo! I've got Strands of Bronze and Gold too! :) My TTT list

  5. Such a cute little tower and a great idea for this topic to showcase it like this.
    I can only recommend Tiger Lily. it was a fantastically written story and really deserves more readers. I never understood how that book can not have actual hype around it because i believe it does deserve it.
    I never heard of nameless before but i will look that up and see what it is all about.
    Fantastic list :)


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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