Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet

Hi everybody! How's everyone's week been going? 

1. Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins
I loved her Hex hall books so I'm hoping this will be just as good.

2. The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
I loved her Paranormalcy Series, but Mind Games I didn't enjoy so this one could go either way.

3. Between the Devil and Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke (Hardcover)
This one just sounds really good.

4. Outpost by Ann Aguirre
I've read the first book, and have the third one on my shelf but somehow don't have this one right now.

5. Sever by Lauren Destefano
I've read the first one, and have the second so I would like to have the third one for when I read fever

6. The Indigo Spell, The Fiery Hearts, Silver Shadows by Richelle Read
I'm ashamed to say that as much as I loved the VA series I've only read the first two books in this series so yeah.

7. Dreamless and Goddess by Josephine Angelini
I've heard good things

8. Afterglow by Karsten Knight
 I enjoyed Wildefire, and I have the second one on my kindle so the third one seems natural to want.

9. United We Spy by Ally Carter
I've read all of these, and seeing as how the one before this I didn't enjoy like the others I'm hoping this will be an awesome to a series I came to love.

10. The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
One I've heard good things about.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Kindle Deals (25)

I always see blogs that have a page that show deals for the kindle, and I occasionally find one or two books on there that I would want. I'm more of a YA girl, and seeing as how most my followers are (I'm assuming here) I decided to make a list of the YA books I found that are $3.99 and less for the kindle. There are plenty more Ya books that are on amazon, but these caught my attention because either I have them, I've read them, or I'm dying to read them. :) Just click on the title and it takes you to their amazon page in a new window.
I'm not sure how long these deals will be here so get them while they're available.
(Note: Prices are as shown from the date this was posted. Please be sure to check before hitting buy.)

$3.99 and up (none go past 6.00)



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