Monday, July 21, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I'd want on a deserted island with me

Hi everybody! How's everyone's week been going? 

 If you want to see all the other top ten post head on over to The Broke and the Bookish.

Rose from Vampire Academy
We all knew I would go go with Rose no matter what. 

Katniss from The Hunger Games
Who else could hunt for food like Katniss?

Deuce from Enclave
The girl wanted to be a warrior fighting zombie like creatures. Umm why wouldn't I want her.

Four from Divergent
I need something to look at. :)

Dimitri from Vampire Academy
It's dimitri!

Cas from Anna dressed in blood
Yes, he fights ghosts, but he would make an excellent addition.

Lynn from Not a drop to drink
She can hold her own against anyone

Ren from I become shadow
She's like a ninja

Jared and Lukas from Unbreakable
They're two kick as brothers

Alex from Delirium
Who else could make it in the wild, or this case deserted island.


  1. I recognize Katniss but not your other characters. Man, I think I am behind on my reading.

  2. Great list! I'd totally want Rose there with me. She's hilarious ;)

    My TTT

    Rachel @A Perfection Called Books

  3. I'm absolutely with you on Lynne! She's a perfect choice, particularly with her survival skills. Katniss would be an obviously awesome pick too. XD My TTT!

  4. Ashley, I'm pretty sure that with this list of powerhouse vampires you will never have to worry about protection or food - ha! I love it! Great post and I love your list!

  5. Katniss is VERY popular this week. I've seen Four on a few too. If he is looking like Theo James then yes please! I've not actually read any of the other books on your list, I am with Anne on this one, totally behind on my reading! Shameful :( I do love your reasons though. Who wouldn't want a zombie like creatures warrior with them?!

  6. Yeah, I briefly considered either Deuce and/or Fade for my list! In the end I went with some different characters, but they would definitely be helpful to have at your back in a fight.

    My Top Ten list


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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