Thursday, May 1, 2014

Follow Friday: Hobbies other than reading

Follow Friday (3)

Share! Tell us about one of your hobbies that is NOT reading.

So I really don't have many hobbies. I've tried different things to keep me occupied and it never really sticks. In the past couple of weeks though I've been thinking about make my own(ish) wine glasses (or decorating them) I even made my own website for it and I've thought about making an etsy shop.

 I made a few glasses back in December and still have them, but I don't really know if anyone would be interested in something like this. Maybe, I just need more exposure for the site and what I want to do. I'm shamelessly going to plug it in here it's called WineRx.

Here's a picture

Let me know what you think, and possibly if you like link to the page. :)


  1. That's pretty cool. I've actually bought glasses like those. Old follower :)
    This Girl Reads Alot F&F

  2. You make glasses?! That's awesome! :) I've never heard of someone making glasses before! You seem pretty talented :D
    New GFC follower. :) Hope you stop by and visit

    My FF

  3. Hopping through. that looks like a fun hobby. makes good presents and works well for parties.
    My FF

  4. That's a cool hobby!

    New follower via GFC! My FF @ A Novel Idea by Chrissy T

  5. Very creative. Good luck with your shop. Have a great weekend.

    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz
    My FF

  6. That's a fun hobby! I'm sure it will have a good market because I always see people buying creative glasses like that

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort - new follower via bloglovin
    My FF

  7. That's very creative! I always see those at stores and craft fairs and think they are very cool. Thanks for sharing!

    Happy FF! New GFC follower.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

I Had to turn on word verification. Sorry! I'm tired of getting spam.

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