Thursday, August 29, 2013

Meme: Follow Friday (2)

Hosted by : Alison and Parajunkee
Week 2 of me doing a follow Friday. YEA! I think I'm finally getting back into the swing of things.

Q: If you could only have ONE – one book – for the rest of your life. Don’t cheat…what would it be?

Who knows this answer? Just kidding but if you know me then you probably guessed something to do with Vampire academy right?
I don't want to pick one book from the series but if I have to I would choose the first book aka Vampire academy. If you haven't read the series then be careful reading my answer...Here's why----We get pretty much all my favorite characters (exception being Adrian because he's not until the 2nd book) Rose, Lissa, Dimitri. What's even better is we get to dive into the world not knowing much about it. I can live it over and over again. Dimitri is always going to be the Dimitri I love in this book..No strigoi changing. It's just wonderful!

If you haven't read the book...READ IT! 


  1. new follower! check out my FF at!

  2. Hopping through. Love Vampire Academy. I actually like Bloodlines even more though.
    My Hop

  3. Hi Ashley,
    It has been so long since I've read VA that I don't even recall the story. I do have the entire collection though and plan to read it before the movie comes out. Here's my answer, I love vampires too :)

    Daisy @ Paramour Books

  4. I have yet to read any of the books in the Vampire Academy series, but I have heard really good things about them! And I see them every time I go to my local book stores. I always want to grab a copy, but have so many other books in my arms that i tend to pass them up. I'll read them eventually!

    My FF

    Tina @ Pages of Comfort - new follower via GFC!

  5. This is sitting on my bookshelf, it is next on my to-read books!

    New GFC follower

    Kat @ Books Are Bread

  6. My wife really loved that series. I'm not usually a fan if YA, looking forward to reading through your blog more. I'm a new follower through GFC

    You can check me out at

  7. I've not actually read that... but a friend of mine truly loves it!

  8. I love VA! I think my favorite is the 3rd book because I love the tension between Dimitri and Rose

    New follower,
    The Book Cove


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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