Thursday, April 4, 2013

Today is my birthday!!!

So today is my birthday. The big 27, okay so it's not so big, but it's 3 years away from 30 ya'll. :( You know how you always want your birthday to be a special day, or at least have fun. No such luck today. I know if ryan would have been off we would have actually gone out and done things to day and then tonight as well, but of course CVS ruined that. I guess we'll just have to make tomorrow work. I did go eat at Olive garden with Ryan and my mom, and then I came home and have been by myself since. Karaoke can only be so much fun by yourself for so long. :) 

I did sign up for RAK this month if you wanna go check it out at Book Soulmates  

I know I have been so MIA on here lately, but in all honesty I've been busy with wedding stuff. Yes, I finally started doing things (okay so his mom actually has, but I really love that she's helping.) I actually have gotten my wedding dress and accessories (veil, hair clips), the place it's going to be at, the date, and his mom bought me some of the accessories for the wedding for my birthday like the guestbook, pen, flower girl basket, candle, ring bearer pillow, and she's the one who bought my dress and the things with it. Apparently, my family doesn't know how to help.I'll see if I can get pictures of the place up later on. I would put pictures of dress up, but I do that and some how Ryan would find the site. It really is a beautiful dress though. When I put it on and came out of the dressing room his mom and the lady helping us said my face just glowed, and I tried a few others on, but none came close. It really was an awesome feeling to know that I'll be wearing that on November 16th this year. If you're dying to see it email me at and I can always send a picture of it to you. (That if I know you well enough)

As for the reading aspect of my life right now I have been reading just not so much reviewing for which I always feel guilty. I have reviews started that I actually need to get myself to finish. Right now I'm reading The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken and then Grave Mercy on my kindle. Both of which are good so far. Like I said I'm just in a slump, or busy working, or out doing things with friends and family when I have free time.

I do love all of you and will continue to love you because if not for you all I would be pretty much talking to myself. I will find a time do a giveaway to thank everyone too.


  1. Happy birthday Ash! Enjoy these years! I am looking down the barrel of 30 and it's not pretty.

    I would love to see a pic of your dress if you want to email me!

  2. Wishing you a very happy birthday :-)

  3. Happy belated birthday Ashely. You are my daughter's age. She'll be 28 in December. :-) I didn't realize how young you are! Enjoy!

  4. Happy belated birthday! Happy wedding plans as well.

  5. Aw happy birthday a bit late! Hope you had a wonderful day :)

    herding cats & burning soup


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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