I sit here trying to think of something useful to do. I could read...which I've been doing and now I'm about finished with Through Her Eyes by Jennifer Archer. So I decided to take a little break. I haven't done one of my Questions? Answered! post in awhile and I have compiled a few questions that I answered so here it is.
Remember if you wish to you can copy the questions and answer them on your site as well. Leave me a comment and let me know. I will come by and check it out. :)
In a lot of the books I read the MC is always a female which is completely fine with me. If I had to choose I would probably say a female MC just for the fact that I can easily relate to them better being a female myself. It is nice however to read about a male MC every once in awhile. Like in the Chronicles of Vladmir Tod. I've actually only read the first two books. (I do have the others well except for the 12th grade one) I also have the first book (Infinity) and second book (Invincible) of the chronicles of Nick, and then the caster chronicles book 1 (Beautiful Creatures) and book 2 (beautiful darkness) and book 3 (beautiful Chaos which isn't out til end of '11) which has Ethan as a MC. Are there any others that you all can think of?
It's weird I think ever since I could write and knew what a diary was I kept one. Sometimes I would go months without writing in it. I think the main portions of the diaries came when my mom left us back when I was in middle school. It helped let out the stuff I could never tell my family which was stuff that would have had my family thinking I was crazy. I still have one that I write in every once awhile it's not a daily thing. Only when I'm really, really pissed off or down I write in it as if I'm telling someone because it does make me feel better. I'll sometimes go back and look at earlier entries, and I'm like why did I ever feel like that?
Does anyone keep a diary / journal anymore?? (From book soulmates on facebook)
It's weird I think ever since I could write and knew what a diary was I kept one. Sometimes I would go months without writing in it. I think the main portions of the diaries came when my mom left us back when I was in middle school. It helped let out the stuff I could never tell my family which was stuff that would have had my family thinking I was crazy. I still have one that I write in every once awhile it's not a daily thing. Only when I'm really, really pissed off or down I write in it as if I'm telling someone because it does make me feel better. I'll sometimes go back and look at earlier entries, and I'm like why did I ever feel like that?
Is romance a defining factor of YA? If so, why, and if not, why is it so prevalent? (from Tina @ Book Couture)
I don't think it's nessesscary (I never can spell that right) to have the romances, but I think it gives the book a little something more to enjoy, along with the plots, and everything. Sometimes I enjoy when books have just one love interest. Even though now with YA books that's hard to find in my opinion. I guess in a way it shows teenage/youg adult lives. People have their "crushes", and then who their dating. I'm guessing here. :) There are others aspects to teenage/YA life though then just love like others mentioned the struggles with addictions of all types, family issues, friends (who aren't love interest), and just normal everyday things. More stuff like that is important in reading because it could potentially help those that read it, and isnt' that a good thing? Now I have to admit I'll read those few and far between, but when I do read them they stick with me and leave me thinking what if?
What are five of your pet peeves related to books or reading?
1. How you can be in love with a book that no one knows about then it becomes a movie and everyone is suddenly in love with it and they had no idea it was even a book to begin with! (I do have to admit though twilight was my exception to this rule because I hadn't heard of it before the movies) I'm thinking this will be even more so once the hunger games and the mortal instruments books become movies. The hunger games I can't say really. I've read the first book soo I'm hoping when the movie comes out I'll enjoy enough to get me to read the other two if I haven't by that time. I'm actually finishing the MI books now, and I can say if people who haven't read these books by the time the movie does come out will want to read them.
2. Books that are missing the jacket covers. This is part of the book why mess with it? When I go to used book stores and the books are missing these it irritates me. I know it shouldn't because it's a used BS, but still I guess I don't understand why you need it if you get rid of the book. I mean there have been a few books I would have love to have gotten, but decide not to because they were missing the cover part. :(
3. I always try and finish a chapter before I stop reading for whatever reason. I hate leaving the book/scene/whatever half through. I have to come to a complete stopping point.
4. Slow-paced books. I will usually continue reading the book, but I get very frustrated that it takes so long for something interesting to happen. When this happens I usually stop the book, and go back to it after awhile.
5. Changing the style of the book. I admit I try and wait for all books in a series to be the same type. (Like all hard-cover, all paperback) but sometimes it just doesn't work and my poor bookshelf shows that. :( (Half my HoN books and VA books are like this. The beginning books are paperback and the last half are hardback. #epicsadness)
What book universe would you choose?
This is a really hard question for me because so many books I've read the past year or so have universes that I would love to just jump right in. Vampire Academy, Mortal Instruments, HoN, Harry Potter. As much as I love my VA books (And boy do I. I've read them at least 3 times each :) ) I'm reading the mortal instruments books, and I'm loving the shadowhunters world, Idris. I think that's what it's called I don't I could really choose one world because they all have their uniqueness-es to them.
Are you predictable when shopping for books? Do you have a shopping pattern?
I'd probably say that I'm predictable in the sense that I'll usually go straight to the YA section, and look over those shelves quite a few times. You never know you may miss something. That's especially true if I'm at Half price books. I always look through the shelves more than once and I always find a book I overlooked. Also I guess in a way that would make up my shopping pattern.
Do you always have a compulsive need to buy books or are you someone who likes books, but doesn't always have the desire to purchase them?I think I have a compulsive need to buy books...sadly. I usually go to the bookstore weekly. Yes! I said weekly and when I go in there I purchase. I seriously can't go to a bookstore without purchasing at least 2 or 3 (Most of the time it's more as you can tell from my IMMs).Question is....Do I need them? No. Do I want them? Yes. Compulsive? You decide.
From http://thebookjunkiesbookshelf.blogspot.com/2010/03/book-buying-patternshabits-do-you-have.html
Do you buy the books that there are a lot of "hype" about or do you tend to avoid them? Do you tend to buy books that have had a lot of "mixed" reviews so you can formulate your own opinion?
I think if it's really an interesting sounding book, or one that is in a series I've read I'll usually go ahead and get it and not worry about the "hype", but if it's one that's a start to a series I'll usually give it a few months or so before I decide to go and buy it. I try not to judge a book on what others say about it I like to form my own opinion. I will read the reviews just to see what others say, but in the end it doesn't really make a difference to me.
How much does the book blogging community contribute to your book buying habit/pattern?
Let's just say before I started blogging/reviewing books I would have never bought as many books as I do now. I mean for starters I wouldn't even know where to begin with what's new and good out in stores. Before my blog I would literally just go to walmart and look at the books in their little section. (I never thought of going to a HPB to look for books) I'd read the backs of the books at walmart and if they sounded interesting I bought the first book, and if I liked I would buy the others. (That's how my VA obsession began) Now though I'm well aware of the awesome books that come out even before they do, and it makes me look for them when they do. I'd say the BB community has definitely contributed to my book buying habit. It's okay though I forgive ya'll. I could have habits worse then books so it's totally cool. :)
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Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley
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