Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sharing with the group: Week Of Sept 11th

I've received or shall I say bought quite a few books in the past few weeks, and just haven't been diligent enough to put them up on the site. I'm going to start fresh for this week. I only received three books.

Sound by Alexandra Duncan
Which I received for a blog tour and my stop is on the 17th.

Landry Park by Bethany Hagen (Paperback form) (signed)
I'm excited for this because now I have the hardcover and PB version. The PB version matches my ARC of Jubilee manor.

ARC of Jubliee Manor by Bethany Hagen (signed)
I actually now have two copies of the ARC for this one so I maybe having a giveaway for the unsigned one, or do a trade if I can find someone who's willing to trade me for another book I'm wanting.


  1. Nice haul! I have not read anything by Bethany Hagen or Alexandra Duncan. I'm loving the cover of Sound though. Hope you have a great time reading your new books :)

  2. Great books for you this week! I hope you enjoy your new books!
    Britt @ Spare Time Book blog
    My STS:


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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