Saturday, January 31, 2015

Reading Challenge: Netgalley and Edelweiss

Hosted by Falling for YA
Oh the dreaded Netgalley and Edelweiss books.
I swear these two sites (plus Amazon and their one click shopping) keep my little kindle fire full of things to read so much so that I tend to keep on adding instead of trying to read them. Maybe, this year will be different, and I'll actually get some kindle time. Maybe.

Reading Guidelines

  • The challenge will run from Jan 1, 2015 – Dec 31, 2015.
  • Anyone is welcome to join. You do not need to be a blogger, just post your reviews and come back every month to link them up. 
  • Any genre, release date, request date, length, etc. counts so long as it came from Edelweiss or Netgalley.
  • At the beginning of each month there will be a roundup post for you to add your reviews.
  • If you forget to link up one month it's not a problem just add your reviews next month.
  • If you would like to move up or down levels that is completely fine and at your discretion.

My Goals

My goal is to read at least 10 of them, and it shouldn't be to hard because I have some of them on other challenges as well. The will be linked to their reviews.

To Read
Side effects may vary by Julie Murphy
Kissing In America by Margo Robb
Inspire by Cora Carmack

Uninvited by Sophie Jordan
The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings
Vanished by E.E Cooper

Sharing with the group: I'm back

This is my book show and tell inspired by the IMMs from Kristi. and the STS from Tygnas Review

Books I bought:

Dead is not an option by Marlene Perez
Black City by Elizabeth Richards
We were liars by E. Lockhart
The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey

Friday, January 30, 2015

Reading Challenge: 2015 Alphabet Soup

Reading Guidelines
  • This challenge will run from January 1st, 2014 until December 31st, 2014.
  • You can join anytime. You do not have to review the book. Books can come from any genre.
  • You do not need to link up each spoonful.
  • Make a page or a post or a GoodReads shelf where you will keep track of your spoonfuls. I keep track of mine on my Challenge Page.
  • Crossovers to other challenges are allowed and encouraged!
  • It’s an alphabet challenge!!! The challenge is to read one book that has a title starting with every letter of the alphabet.
  • You can drop the A’s and The’s from the book titles as shown below. For those pesky Q, X AND Z titles the word with the challenge letter can be anywhere in the title.
  • So there are two different ways you can set up your own A-Z Reading Challenge.
  • A – How I plan to do it: Make a list on your blog from A-Z. Throughout the year, as you go along, add the books you are reading to the list. Towards the end of the year, you can check and see which letters you are missing and find books to fit.
  • OR
  • B – Make a list now of 26 books, picking one for each letter of the alphabet. For example:A – All the President’s Menus by Julie Hyzy  B- Bushel Full of Murder by Paige Shelton  C – Criminal Confections by Collette London  D – Dark Chocolate Demise by Jenn McKinlayetc.
  • Books can be read in any order and all formats – print – e-book – audio – are acceptable for this challenge!

My Goal/books
I think I did a challenge like this last year, and failed, but I'm going to try again.

A-After Obession by Carrie Jones
B- Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman
C- Cinder by Marissa Meyer
D- The Duff by Kody Keplinger (Review)
E- Everneath by Brodi Ashton
F- Firebug by Lisa Mcbride
G- Graceling by Kristin Cashore
H-Harbinger by Sara Wilson Etienne
I- Inspire by Cora Carmack (ebook)
J-Jealousy by Lili St.Crow
K-Kissing in America by Margo Rabb (ebook)
L- Last Rite by Lisa Derochers
M- Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza
N- Nil by Lynn Matson
O- Original Sin by Lisa Derochers
P- Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman (Review)
Q- Queen of the dead by Stacey Kade 
R- Reckoning by Lili St.Crow
S- Side effects may vary- Julie Murphy (ebook)
T- Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini
U-Uninvited by Sophie Jordan (Ebook) (Review)
V- Vanished by E.E Cooper (ebook) W- Wild by Sophie Jordan
Y-Young Elites,The (Review)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Reading Challenge: 2015 TBR Pile

We all have those books. We buy them, win them, they're gifted to us. Then we put them up on a bookshelf and there they stay, collecting dust, waiting for the time when we'll finally decide to pick them up.

Join us on a quest to dust off your TBR Pile and read all the books you've been telling yourself you'll read next time you'll get a chance. This is your chance!

I chose
1-10 A Firm Handshake

Here are the books I've chosen
The Duff by Kody Keplinger
The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
Firebug by Tricia Mcbride
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Die for Me by Amy Plum
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini
Torn by Amanda Hocking

Okay, I know some of you are looking at this list wondering what rock I've been hiding under. I promise I haven't been hiding under any. I just get so caught up in the newer books that come out that I forget these are ones that I've wanted to read since they came out so I'm going to get to them this year.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Waiting On Wed: Trust Me, I'm Trouble by Mary Elizabeth Summer

Waiting on Wed is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine
It's something that she does every Wed where we pick a book that hasn't been released yet.

Author: Mary Elizabeth Summers

Kindle Edition, 320 pages
Expected publication: October 13th 2015 by Delacorte Press

Staying out of trouble isn’t possible for Julep Dupree. She has managed not to get kicked out of her private school, even though everyone knows she’s responsible for taking down a human-trafficking mob boss—and getting St. Agatha’s golden-boy Tyler killed in the process. Running cons holds her guilty conscience at bay, but unfortunately, someone wants Julep to pay for her mistakes . . . with her life.

Against her better judgment, Julep takes a shady case that requires her to infiltrate a secretive organization that her long-gone mother and the enigmatic blue fairy may be connected to. Her best friend, Sam, isn’t around to stop her, and Dani, her one true confidante, happens to be a nineteen-year-old mob enforcer whose moral compass is as questionable as Julep’s. But there’s not much time to worry about right and wrong—or to save your falling heart—when there’s a contract on your head.

Murders, heists, secrets and lies, hit men and hidden identities . . . If Julep doesn’t watch her back, it’s her funeral. No lie.
Why I'm waiting on this?
I read Trust Me, I'm lying back in October and I enjoyed it (except the romance thrown in) but they mystery and following Julep along was fun so I'm curious to see what kind of trouble and mayhem she can get into this time.

(Why you're on the page check out the review for the first book and leave a comment.)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blog Tour and GIveaway: Tear You Apart by Sarah Cross

Giveaway at bottom of this post :)

Tear You Apart (Beau Rivage)
Publisher: EgmontUSA
Release Date: January 27th 2015


An edgy fairy tale retelling of "Snow White" set in the world of Kill Me Softly for fans of Once Upon a Time and Grimm.

If you want to live happily ever after, first you have to stay alive.

Viv knows there’s no escaping her fairy-tale curse. One day her beautiful stepmother will feed her a poison apple or convince her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Henley, to hunt her down and cut out her heart before she breaks his. In the city of Beau Rivage, some princesses are destined to be prey.

But then Viv receives an invitation to the exclusive club where the Twelve Dancing Princesses twirl away their nights. There she meets Jasper, an underworld prince who seems to have everything—but what he really wants is her. He vows to save her from her dark fate if she’ll join him and be his queen.

All Viv has to do is tear herself away from the huntsman boy who still holds her heart. Then she might live to see if happily ever after is a promise the prince can keep. But is life as an underworld queen worth sacrificing the true love that might kill her?

Faced with a possible loophole to her "Snow White" curse, Viv goes underground, literally, to find the prince who's fated to rescue her. But is life safe in the Underworld worth the price of sacrficing the love that might kill her?

POP CULTURE CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF TWISTING FAIRY TALES: ABC's Once Upon a Time and NBC's Grimm continue to pull in high ratings. And with the anticipated Angelina Jolie Maleficent (2014), the film adaptation of Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods (2014), and Kenneth Branagh's Cinderella (2015), Hollywood is infected with fairy tale fever.

CAMEOS FROM FAVORITE CHARACTERS: Viv, who first appeared in Kill Me Softly trailed by her brooding boy-toy Henley, takes center stage in this new Beau Rivage tale. Other familiar characters including Blue and Jewel are back to help her defy her destiny.

TEENS LOVE THIS FAIRY TALE WORLD: Kill Me Soflty was a 2013 YALSA Teens' Top 10. Readers have been clamoring for a sequel.

A FRESH TAKE ON THE FAMILIAR: Drawing on "Snow White," "The Twelve Dancing Princesses," and "Rumpelstiltskin," Tear You Apart is very conscious of the way these stories have pervaded pop culture, twisting known tropes into an exciting new story that can stand on its own.
Sarah Cross is the author of the fairy tale novels Kill Me Softly and Tear You Apart (coming January 2015), the superhero novel Dull Boy, and the Wolverine comic "The Adamantium Diaries." She loves fairy tales, lowbrow art, secret identities and silence.                                                                    |Website|  |Twitter| |Goodreads| |Facebook| |Tumblr| |Personal Tumblr| |Pinterest|          


(Note that the "After the Ball" cover was my creation. I found the picture and added the text.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Review: Tear You Apart by Sarah Cross

AUTHOR: Sarah Cross
PAGES: 384

An edgy fairy tale retelling of "Snow White" set in the world of Kill Me Softly for fans of Once Upon a Time and Grimm.

If you want to live happily ever after, first you have to stay alive.

Viv knows there’s no escaping her fairy-tale curse. One day her beautiful stepmother will feed her a poison apple or convince her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Henley, to hunt her down and cut out her heart before she breaks his. In the city of Beau Rivage, some princesses are destined to be prey.

But then Viv receives an invitation to the exclusive club where the Twelve Dancing Princesses twirl away their nights. There she meets Jasper, an underworld prince who seems to have everything—but what he really wants is her. He vows to save her from her dark fate if she’ll join him and be his queen.

All Viv has to do is tear herself away from the huntsman boy who still holds her heart. Then she might live to see if happily ever after is a promise the prince can keep. But is life as an underworld queen worth sacrificing the true love that might kill her?

Faced with a possible loophole to her "Snow White" curse, Viv goes underground, literally, to find the prince who's fated to rescue her. But is life safe in the Underworld worth the price of sacrficing the love that might kill her?

Quick Thought (or not)
Once upon a time I decided to read a fairy-tale retelling. Here's how it ended up.
I haven't read many if any at all retellings. (I do however have quite a few on my shelf.) I didn't know what to expect when I asked to be on tour and read Tear you apart. I had seen the other book she wrote around, but it never caught my attention. (I ended up getting it, and I'll probably read it after my next book I have planned.)
Tear You Apart isn't just a re-telling of one fairy-tale (Well okay I guess it is) It has so many others all twisted into snow whites though so it's enjoyable. I like how it's modernized.

I'm not really sure if I like Viv, or not. She has this attitude like she's better than everyone else. I think the way she treated Henley sucked most of the time, but I guess with them being who they were Snow white and huntsman it was bound to happen.  I do like that she never gave up on what she believed. There are always going to be hard times, but you got to fight through those to get to the good ones. :) 

I will say when we were first introduced to Prince Jasper I immediately liked him. I liked that he wanted to protect this girl who barely knew. I know it sounds weird, but I don't know. As the book went on though things changed, and he became a bit of an ass. I realize you're dad is who he is, but be a man and stand up for this girl you claim to love.

My heart flip-flopped a bit towards the end and went to Henley because even through all the crap he was dealt he still cared so much for Viv, and wasn't going to give up on her even if she was bitch sometimes.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

Kindle Deals (30)

I always see blogs that have a page that show deals for the kindle, and I occasionally find one or two books on there that I would want. I'm more of a YA girl, and seeing as how most my followers are (I'm assuming here) I decided to make a list of the YA books I found that are $3.99 and less for the kindle. There are plenty more Ya books that are on amazon, but these caught my attention because either I have them, I've read them, or I'm dying to read them. :) Just click on the title and it takes you to their amazon page in a new window.
I'm not sure how long these deals will be here so get them while they're available.
(Note: Prices are as shown from the date this was posted. Please be sure to check before hitting buy.)

$3.99 and up 


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