Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Winter 2013 List

Hi everybody! How's everyone's week been going? 

 If you want to see all the other top ten post head on over to The Broke and the Bookish.

1. Anna and the french Kiss by Stephanie Perkins: I've heard so many awesome things about this book and its companion books2. The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead: I've kind of fallen behind on this series, and I need to catch up because I love Richelle Mead
3. Across the Universe by Beth Revis- I;ve heard nothing but good things, and I had a conversation on twitter with some people who said I needed to read it.
4. Dare you too by Katie McGarry- I absolutely loved pushing the limits, and I have this on my kindle I think so yeah I need to get on that pronto.
5. Unravel Me by T. Mafi- Shatter me was really awesome and with the third book coming out soon I need to get on board.
6. Uninvited by Sophie Jordan- I want to see if I like this any better than her firelight series.
7. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins- I know I should have this one read, but in my defense I wasn't thrilled with the first two. 
8. Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer- I need to finish this series up.
9. Everneath by Brodi Ashton- Again, I've heard really good things about this series, and with it ending soon.
10. Incarnate by Jodie Meadows- Another series I need to start.


  1. The Across the Universe trilogy is really good. :o)

  2. Awesome list. Unravel Me <3
    Happy reading!

    Our TTT
    Doris @ OABR

  3. Anna and Unravel Me are both amazing! I read them last winter and fell in LOVE! Also, I'm excited to see what you thought of Incarnate because I really didn't like it. Great List!

    My TTT: http://adventuresinyafiction.blogspot.ca/2013/12/top-ten-books-on-my-winter-tbr.html

  4. I need to read Dare You To soon as well! I loved Pushing the Limits so I'm hoping I love that one. Anna and the French Kiss is great, it's such a fun contemporary read. Happy reading!

    My Top Ten

  5. Great list! I have Anna and the French Kiss pre-ordered on Amazon because for some reason it's being re-released but I'm excited for it nonetheless. I need to re-read Across the Universe. I thought I was going to love it but I didn't so want to give it another go. Enjoy!

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

  6. I need to read Anna and the French Kiss. I heard it is really good.

    Stopped by from the linkup.


  7. Oh my gosh, Unravel Me! Before you read Unravel Me you should probably read the novella Destroy Me beforehand, it makes the whole book better! :D

    Roxy @ Story Envy

  8. Oh wow, so much good reading ahead of you. I particularly love Incarnate and that whole series. Enjoy!

  9. ooo Mockingjay is also on mine! You've got a great selection! I hope you love them all :)
    Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries


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Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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