Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: What I'm thankful for

Hi everybody! How's everyone's week been going? 
All except for my tire being flat twice this week I've been okay.

I've decided to participate this week in TTT because I really do have a lot to be thankful for. Oh, and you'll get a glimpse at some wedding pictures with it. :)
 If you want to see all the other top ten post head on over to The Broke and the Bookish.

Things in general I'm thankful for:
My Darling Husband, Ryan (married 11-16-13).
I really don't know where I'd be with out him. I always thought I would grow up not knowing what true love is, not finding that someone I wanted to spend my life with, being alone forever. Little did I know he was working right next to me for two years. I love you Ryan! Thank you for taking a chance on me. You are definitely the prince charming in my happily ever after. 
My best friend, Aubrey. We've definitely had our ups and downs in our friendship, but there is no one else who knows me quite like you do, no one else who I would rather call a best friend, we've come along way since those stuffy 10th grade english classes. I'm thankful for your friendship and all the craziness that comes with it. Love ya girl!


 My family and new family.
(My inlaws on the left and my mom,nieces,brother, and sister in law on the right)
I know I complain about my family and the crap they've put me through, but the love and support will always outweigh the bad. I couldn't have gotten this far in life if it wasn't for them. With each day that my nieces grow I see the awesome people they'll become. To my new inlaws, Ryan and I most definitely wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for the love and support you guys have given us over the past 2 years. I couldn't have gotten a better mother-in-law and father-in-law. Love you all!


 My job.
(Pictures above me and Jp, my pharmacist and Me and my coworker and bridesmaid, Jen)
I will admit I do complain about my job (people can be so stupid), but I really do love my job and most of the people I work with and working there gives me a sense of accomplishment, and knowing I'm able to help people.

My life.
It's no secret really that I wasn't always happy with my life. When I was a teenager there were plenty of times when I thought life wouldn't get any better for me, and sometimes my only thoughts were everything would be better if I wasn't here. I look back on those times and thank god I never did anything because look what I would be missing. Sometimes you're put into situations you can't handle, but if you stick with it life will hand you a card that puts you back on top.

Bookish things I'm.. thankful for
My books.
Books are kind of a must for bookish things I'm thankful for. Although I will probably never read all of the books I have it's nice to just look at them and imagine that I'll one day get to them all. (I love Ryan so much because he puts up with my crazy book-obsessed way and since we have a room mate now our room has become my library, basically.)
I don't know what I would do with out my bookshelves I have. I still need a few more. If you look at the ones above those are actually double stacked.

 It's a little hard to have books without the authors that create them. I'm thankful to all the authors who spend their time writing the books that we all love.

Half Price Books.
I don't think I would have as near as many books as I do now if it weren't for HPB. Before I lived on my own I would spend a lot of my check on books here. Now I usually go here maybe once or twice a month. When I do.... I end up spending like 50 dollars or so. Oh, HPB how I'm thankful for thee.

You guys these darlings have been a bookish persons life saver. The regular kindle I bought when it first came out a few years ago, and the kindle fire I got as a Christmas present last year from my awesome husband. Without these two I wouldn't be able to read some of the awesome upcoming books from Netgalley I get. Also I can read whatever I want without people looking at me funny. I take my fire with me everywhere even if it's just on a trip to the gas station. I'm very thankful for it. :)


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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