I don't know about you guys, but I'm horrible at reading the first book in a series and then thinking I can't wait to read the second and so on and then never getting to it. So here is what I'm doing to fix that. :)
Here are just a few of the series I've started, and I'm a little behind on that will be getting my attention in 2013.
1. Shiver, Linger, and Forever: I've only read the first book and I'm not sure why. I adored the characters in shiver.
2. Halo, Hades: I read Halo and was kind of iffy on it so I never read Hades.
3. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay: Okay...okay...I read the first two but still haven't read Mockingjay.
4. Firelight, Vanish, Hidden: Again, I wasn't thrilled with Firelight so I was reluctant to start Vanish, but maybe it redeem itself.
5. Wake, Fade, and Gone: I only read Wake and I think it was the way it was written that turned me off, but it was an interesting storyline.
6. Hush Hush, Crescendo, Silence, Finale: I read the first two and just haven't gotten to the others. I actually need to get Finale.
7. Unearthly,Hallowed- I read Unearthly and enjoyed it now I think its time to read the second one.
8. Nightshade, Wolfsbane, and Bloodrose: I recently just finished Wolfsbane so one more book in this series and I'm done.
9. Radiance, Shimmer, and Dreamland: I've read the first and it was a cute little story. The books themselves are not all that long so they should be easy to read.
10. The unbecoming of Mara Dyer and the Evolution of Mara Dyer: I really did love the first book with all it's creepiness and of course Noah Shaw, but I haven't even bought the second book which I need to do.
I'm sure those aren't all of them, but it's the ones I could think of off the top of my head. Some might get read while I might add others as they come to mind.