There's a few reasons why I decided to write this post.
Reason # 1
I was relaxing in the tub reading yet
another book, and after you read this post you'll understand why I worded it like that, I hope. Anyways, I was reading
Matched by Allie Condie and it hit me (not the book...the thought) this is like the fourth or so book that I've started in the past few weeks. It's not that I don't like the books I start it's that I have this bad habit about starting a book, and then getting the fever to read something a little different. When that happens I put down the book I was reading, and start a new one. I hate that I do this, but honestly I don't know what to do about it. I mean am I the only one who does this? Do any of ya'll pick up another book just because you want something different, even though you still have one that's not even half way through. I can understand it if I have a problem with the book, and it doesn't catch my attention most of the time though I'm enjoying the book. I'm not talking like two books. I'll lay out what I have started right now just because of my weirdness, and to give you an idea of what I'm rambling about.
1. The Scorpio Races (This one I can kind of understand because I couldn't get into it)
2. Matched (I really do enjoy this and want to know the outcome, but I keep switching to others)
3. The Golden Lily (I can't complain to much because I just started and I love it. I'm actually rooting for Adrian and Sydney.)
4. Scored (It's another dystopian that I enjoy so far.)
5. Bumped (I think I started this because at one point I couldn't find where I had placed Matched or scored and was in the mood for a dystopian.)
6. In the path of falling objects (I'm usually not much into books that aren't paranormal, but I wanted something different at the time I started this and a friend said it's really good. She's usually pretty good about what I would like.)
So do you see my dilemma? I'm so tempted to start others too. I have to tell myself Ashley finish the ones you have going first.
So that was the first reason.
Reason #2
Do you really ever have too many books? I mean yeah sure you may not get to read all of them in your lifetime, unless of course you read super fast. It still amazes me how some people can read 2 to 3 hundred books in a year if not more. I can barely read 100. I feel like such a horrible reader sometimes. It really doesn't matter though if I never get around to reading them because I still continue to buy. These pictures I have on here are just some books. You can barely see the stacks behind, and then all of them I still have yet to get out of my trunk and backseat because I don't want to carry them down stairs and then upstairs. What's worse is I'm pretty bad about getting read of any. If I have a duplicate it or something I'll usually give it away, but that's rare that I do.
Having so many books to read it's always hard for me to decide what I'm going to read next. As stated in the above paragraphs where I have boocoos of books started. How do I narrow it down to what I want to read? I've tried thinking ok this month I'll read these type of books. For the most part I'm doing pretty good. I'm trying to read dystopians right now, but sometimes you have that itch to read a paranormal or contemp. So what do you do. Sorry this is going back to reason one it seems. I've tried putting myself on book buying bans until I can read a good number of books, but it doesn't really work out to well for me. I haven't the strength to say NO to a book that has a pretty cover, or one that's been sitting on my wishlist for awhile.
Let's discuss....