Monday, May 14, 2012

Getting married!

(<---Ryan and I at a Texas Ranger game)
I know this isn't the place to put this, but most everyone doesn't read my personal blog so I figured I'd leave a little message on here. So read right I'm getting married. :) Ryan asked me last night. I was pretty much speechless. I knew at some point he probably would just because of the way he's been talking, but I didn't think it would be soon. I started crying, seriously I'm a baby when it comes to things, and he pretty much made my night asking that. I'm the type of person who always thought I'd be alone forever, and to know that something like this happened to me. I don't know it just didn't seem real. He hasn't actually gotten me a ring yet because we're a little broke from moving, but supposely his mom has one and was gonna give it to him so he could give it to me as a sort of promise ring until he could actually get me one. It probably won't happen until next year, but I'm so excited.

Oh and here's a little video of our new apt it's still kind of messy, but it's a work in progress. :)

That's all! :)


  1. Congratulations! It may not be book-related but your news is definitely worth a blog post :)

  2. Congrats! Screw not being book related! When it comes to news like this it's worth sharing and no one ever minds it's wonderful news!

  3. OMG! OMG! I'm completely going insane here! Congrats you guys!! I'm so happy for you! I told you real life could be just like in books! Yay!

  4. Congratulations! What wonderful news!

  5. CONGRATS!!! I feel the same way like I'll never find anyone so it's always so nice to see things work out for others. Gives me hope! :-D I wish you many years of happiness!!!

  6. So exciting! Huge congratulations! --Hilary

  7. Congrats! Such exciting news!

  8. I'm so happy for you congratulations!!!

  9. Gah, CONGRATULATIONS!! Oh, and I love your shower curtains.

  10. Oh this is awesome. I'm so happy for you CONGRATS! How exciting!


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Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

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