Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day to all my awesome readers and everyone else. I hope everyone is having a good one if you celebrate it with that special someone, or even if you don't. :) I will say this normally I hate this day, but having someone to share it with this year (even though he's working tonight.) is an awesome feeling. I was happy just being able to spend part of the day today with him. I'm not the type that has to have a gift or what not, but he did get me something. He even picked out one that was black because I have this thing for the color black. He's like you know how hard it was to find a black watch? lol. Anyways, I think when he gets off later we'll probably go see a movie.

Sorry this wasn't the full reason I made this post. On facebook Author Bree Despain of The Dark Devine series said if we wanted a little treat to email her so I did and she sent back some virtual valentine day like cards. Thought I'd share them with everyone.

Now I haven't read the series yet, but I'm thinking I may need to now since I just recently got the first book.


  1. Yeah you're right. Now I want to read this series as well :) Yay! about the watch! What did you get him???

    1. Lol...i didnt get him anything now I feel kinda bad.

    2. You didn't get him anything? Uh-oh, good thing he's a guy, they usually don't take this kind of stuff badly. It doesn't bother them like it would a girl....

    3. Lol. If I woulda asked him what he wanted I woulda have gotten the same answer I got at xmas time which was being with u is enough

  2. Ashley, I'm so happy for you. How wonderful you've found someone special. He sounds awesome! What a great guy to find you a difficult present. I'm impressed.

    1. :) Haven't talked to you in awhile girlie. I couldn't have asked for a better guy for sure.


I love comments! Leave me one, and I will comment back either on here or on yours! So check back!

Happy Reading and Blogging, Ashley

I Had to turn on word verification. Sorry! I'm tired of getting spam.

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