I'll admit when it comes to twitter and instagram I'm not the best at keeping up with them. It sometimes sucks because it feels like that is where everything is happening, and I am just out of the loop. So for the month of June I decided I'm going to try and do LIL Bookish June for Instagram, but also here on my site.If you want to follow along with me on Instagram my IG name is bookaholicsanonymous
DAY 30 of Lil Bookish June
Todays challenge June Wrap Up
I managed to read 4 books (one isn't pictured because it was an ebook). I know it's horrible, but what can I say.
Poisoned Apples was actually a re-read (I will try to get a review done) still didn't really enjoy the poems in it.
52 Reasons to hate my father I really loved because I was able to see Lexington grow from a spoiled brat to someone who cared.
Break me like a promise was a book I read for a tour. It was the second book in a series and like the first I absolutely loved it.
An Ember in the Ashes was not what I expected at all. I'm very iffy on fantasy books, but this had more then just fantasy elements. It took a minute for me to get interested but after about page 170 or so laid down and read the whole book until about 3am one morning.